Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pearce Response
to McComish

On Tuesday, Sen. Elect John McComish made the foolish mistake to complain to The Capitol Times for "unfair" actions by Sen. President Elect Russell Pearce.

For a person with eight years at the Capitol and having served in leadership in the House, this came across as the inappropriate actions of a newcomer to the scene.  It was not destined to turn out good for McComish.

Yesterday, the response came from the President Elect, and it was as expected:

Sounds like R. Lee Ermey in the Geico Ad:

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

TSA Methods Will Kill More Americans on Highway

The recent public ire toward the TSA’s new pat-down and body imaging screening methods is likely to lead to a spike in car-related deaths that will be far larger than any plane-related safety benefits.

As the nation readies for one of the busiest traveling holidays, Steven Horwitz, a professor of economics at St. Lawrence University, states that the probable spike in road travel, caused by adverse feelings towards the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) new screening procedures, would lead to more car-related deaths.  

Car-related accidents now account for 115 deaths EVERY DAY in the United States.  That is comparable to the crash of one commuter airliner daily!

“Driving is much more dangerous than flying, as you are far more likely to be killed in an automobile accident mile-for-mile than you are in an airplane,” said Horwitz. “The result will be that the new TSA procedures will kill more Americans on the highway.”

Clifford Winston, a senior fellow of economic studies at the Brookings Institute, said that the airline industry will definitely see a decline in passengers if the public’s contempt for the pat-downs and advanced-imaging technology systems continues.

Anecdotally, a friend of ours who usually flies for family and personal reasons once every couple of months, has already made the decision to not fly as long as these procedures are in place.

So, we will have a negative impact on our economy AND we will end up killing more Americans. Sounds like a success story for the Soros, Obama, Napolitano Progressive Communists. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Obama Speak at Work

"One of the most frustrating aspects of this fight against terrorism is that it has created a whole security apparatus around us that causes a huge inconvenience for ALL of us,"   -BHO

We have missed the photo ops of the First Family going through the TSA Groping.  We do not ever want to see the naked scans of B. Hussein, Michelle or their Progeny.  That would probably make us go instantly blind.

This embarrassingly stupid assertion goes along with his call for redistribution of wealth - except for him and his friends and his call for a reduced carbon footprint - except for him and his friends.

His narcissistic, irrational policies - especially when implemented by Nappy - really does call for a law that requires the people who institute public policy to have to be the first to use it. 

What a crock, Barack!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Shellacked at home
then Shellacked abroad

It appears that the President has failed in his billion dollar mission to restore his tarnished image.  On November 2, the policies of Barack Hussein were repudiated by his foster countrymen with a thorough shellacking at the ballot box.  Americans made the right choice in turning out nearly seventy Democrat Congressmen along with the governors of almost all of the midwestern states plus a few more for good measure.

For comfort and reactualization of his ID, Barack Hussein returned to his boyhood homeland.  To his dismay, this journey became the location of his second shellacking in two weeks at the hands of his muslim, sino and european friends.

Sometimes a boy just doesn't know where to turn for repair to his ego.  Maybe he should try the country that calls him their son - Kenya.  It may prove once again that all of life is a circle.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Procrastination will only make the problem worse

Arizona is 900 million dollars in the hole and getting deeper. Our General Fund revenues are about a 100 million dollars a month less than our expenditures. That is about 25 million a week. What that means is the legislature needs to come in NOW and reduce the budget by at least 1.5 billion dollars.

Every day agencies are spending money we don't have. The longer we wait to do the cuts, the less money there will be to fix the problem.  We have agencies that are still bloated with administrators and managers.  We have agencies that were created in good economic times that are duplications of other layers of government or intrude into areas previously handled well by private industry .

Arizona needs to put a five year moratorium on any new regulation by state and local government that restricts business. This moratorium needs to retroactively include many state, county and local regulations that were conceived as hidden tax raising schemes on Arizona businesses and homeowners over the last decade.  All regulations not directly addressing health and safety, that restricts home businesses need to be eliminated.

It is better to see street signs trying to attract customers into a business or store than all these empty storefronts and office buildings. It is better to have someone running a business out of their house than have all these empty foreclosures and "For Sale" signs up and down every street.

City ordinances that require developers to establish an HOA on all new developments need to be rescinded and current property owners need the ability to rescind their current HOA status.  Government must get out of the way if we are to get our economy growing again.

Waiting only makes it worse.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Deja Vu
Goddard Spoils Hess Victory

Growing Our Party has just been informed that Tery Goddard has joined Matt Salmon on the Barry Hess Wall of Infamy for preventing Herr Hess being elected as Arizona Governor! 

Hess is actually gaining ground.  His percentage has grown from 1.67% to 2.16% in the last eight years. 

Check back in 2092 to see if he finally reaches viability.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Conservative Republicans
Continue Sweep

Arizona Senate Leadership:
Russell Pearce - President 
Scott Bundgaard - Majority Leader
Steve Pierce - Majority Whip

Arizona House Leadership:
Kirk Adams - Speaker
Andy Tobin - Majority Leader
Debbie Lesko - Majority Whip

Republicans Score HUGE Gains across America in State Legislatures

Based on unofficial, preliminary returns, legislative chambers that have switched so far are:

§ Alabama House and Senate
§ Arizona House & Senate - Veto Proof
§ Colorado House
§ Indiana House
§ Iowa House
§ Maine House and Senate
§ Michigan House
§ Minnesota House and Senate
§ Montana House
§ New Hampshire House and Senate
§ New York Senate
§ North Carolina House and Senate
§ Ohio House
§ Oregon Tied in both Senate and House
§ Pennsylvania House
§ Washington Senate
§ Wisconsin Assembly and Senate

§ Republicans gained at least 680 State Legislature seats on Tuesday, the largest gain by either party since 1966, surpassing Democratic gains in the post-Watergate election of 1974.

§ The North Carolina Senate is now in Republican control for the first time since 1870.

§ The Minnesota Senate, which held nonpartisan elections until 1974, is under Republican control for the first time.

§ The Alabama legislature is under Republican control for the first time since Reconstruction.

The Texas and Tennessee Houses went from virtually tied to massive Republican gains. The gains in Texas were so big that the Republicans no longer need the Democrats to get state constitutional amendments out of the state legislature.

These gains go all the way down to the municipal level across the nation. That did not happen even in 1994.

This was a tsunami of Epic Proportions!  Now the work begins!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dems Trail Badly
In Early Returns

Florida:  Early votingis over and it looks terrible for the Democrats.  Here is the updated chart:

Party        2010           2008            2006
Dem        36.5%        45.6%         43.6%
Ind          14.3%        17.1%         15.4%
Rep         49.2%        37.3%         41.0%

Yes, you’re reading that right.
GOP outperforming 2008 by 12 points.

Already, 2.2 million votes have been cast — perhaps not half of what will be cast overall, but not too far from it. And bear in mind, this is a state with 4.6 million registered Democrats and only 4 million registered Republicans (plus 2.2 million independents). Something big might be happening down there — it’s at least clear that the state GOP has been working on its early vote operation.

Not fatal, but not good news for Alex Sink, the Democratic nominee in the close governor’s race. Also not good news for Democratic Reps. Alan Grayson, Suzanne Kosmas, Ron Klein, or Allen Boyd. Nor for Joe Garcia, the Democratic nominee for the open 25th Congressional District in South Florida.

Pennsylvania: The latest absentee ballot statistics released show a strong Republican tilt in the Keystone State where 53,226 (59%) absentee ballots have been returned by registered Republicans compared with 37,631 (41%) by registered Democrats.

Worse still for Democrats, the enthusiasm gap pollsters have predicted appears to be coming true. So far, Democrats have returned 55% of the absentee ballots they requested. Republicans have returned 67%.

Nevada: In Democratic Clark County, Republicans UP 13 points from a 22-point Democratic advantage in 2008. In Reno's Washoe County, Republicans UP 18 points from a 12-point Democrat advantage in 2008.

Colorado:  Republican over Democrat early returns by 61,500 this year, where Democrats were up over Republicans in 2008 by 25,000 early ballots.  That is a swing of over 86,500 to the GOP!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Straight Talk from Sarah

Today on the Chris Wallace Fox Sunday Show, Governor Palin clearly identified the cabal of liberal politicians and the liberal media in terms we all understand:

"These are corrupt Bastards"

Oh that we had a thousand of Sarah Palins with the integrity and strength to tell it like it is! 

Our Founders had the ability to tell the truth with vigor.  If we are to return America to the strength we once enjoyed, we must face our adversaries and our challenges with such clarity of speech and action.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Figures don't Lie - -
But Liars Figure

SURPRISE!!  Four days before the General Election, we get a skewed, totally misleading Unemployment Figure from the Obama Administration Department of Labor. 

Today, they touted a 21,000 reduction in Initial Claims using a Seasonally (Politically?) Adjusted Rate.

However, the actual number of Initial Claims, according to the DOL, is actually INCREASED by 11,678. 

Does it make you or your neighbor that the Obama Administration lowered the number of people filing new claims through a mathematical formula that they develop?  Is this part of the Hopey Changey thing?

How do you feel about the fact that the real percentage of Americans who want a full time job and cannot find one is actually over 20%?

Will their Seasonally Adjusted numbers somehow be revised next week -- after the Election?  (Happened more than 20 weeks this year.)

Republicans -- The Party of Know! 

Stay tuned for the next sleight of hand by the Party of Snow!

Monday, October 25, 2010

One week to determine
The rest of your life

It may seem overly dramatic, but the headline tells it all.  What is accomplished in the next seven days will have a dramatic impact on the rest of your life! 

If you think that is over-the-top, consider the following rights you may lose on November 2:

Your right to choose your own doctor and participate in your health decisions

Your right send your child to the school of your choice

Your right to buy the vehicle that meets the needs of your family

Your rights as a parent to nurture and discipline your children

Your right to worship where Biblical principles are not censored by the government

Your right to a secret ballot in elections

Your right to speak the truth without being imprisoned for hate speech

How important are your rights? 

Important enough to take a vacation day and spend it calling undecided voters with the facts?   

Important enough to participate in encouraging conservatives how paramount it is that they place their early ballots in the mail no later than Wednesday - only two days from now?

Look at the short list above again and ask yourself how important is it to make sure you keep those - and hundreds more - rights!

What you do in the next few hours may well determine the course your children and grandchildren will have to travel in their future.

How important is that to them?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The meeting and socializing 
returns November 2

We are ten days out and it is past time to cease the "greet, meet and retreat" groups where we talk about politics. The members of the audience are already involved and know the problems of the system, the good and bad candidates, and how they are going to vote.

Our candidates need boots on the ground and voices on live phone lines to push Republicans to return their early ballots NOW. As of this writing on early Saturday morning, less than one-third of Republican early ballots have been returned. We will NOT defeat Kirkpatrick, Hulburd, Mitchell, Grijalva and Giffords for Congress, nor Johnson, Schapira, Rios, Aguirre, Alvarez and Cage for the State Senate unless those ballots are completed and returned on time!

We encourage everyone in Maricopa County to contact Dave Schweikert personally at 602-619-3330 or check his website at: Better yet, take a shortcut and go to his Scottsdale office at 4110 N. Goldwater, on the second floor, south side of the building. You'll see the signs. The calls you make there will also help turn our legislature into a veto-proof majority.

Of course, David could use some cash to counter the scurrilous Democrat Committee attacks, but more importantly he needs YOU to schedule time to make personal phone calls encouraging Republicans to return their early ballots.

There are more than 50,000 Republican ballots not returned in CD5 in Maricopa County alone as of this writing. If those ballots are returned, we will have an unprecedented increase in conservative Republicans in our legislature and will ensure the retirement of Mitchell, Hulburd, etal.

So lets stop the partying and socializing until after 7pm on November 2. The real party will begin when the work is done.

Thanks for all you do, but now is the time to "double down" on this effort.

Friday, October 22, 2010

21 Anyone?

In case you are not aware, Arizona is right now playing 21 and it is no game.  The Republican/Pachyderm/Tea Party is on the verge of winning a veto proof 21 seats in the State Senate.  This would be an all-time high watermark for the GOP in this state. 

How do we get to this staggering number?  Win at least 4 of the 5 races where we are currently leading or within the margins:

LD1 - Steve Pierce (a lock)
LD3 - Ron Gould (a lock)
LD4 - Scott Bundgaard (a lock)
LD5 - Sylvia Allen (a lock)
LD6 - Lori Klein (a lock)
LD7 - Nancy Barto (a lock)
LD8 - Michelle Reagan (a lock)
LD9 - Rick Murphy (a lock)
LD10 - Linda Gray (leading)
LD11 - Adam Driggs (a lock) -- That's 10
LD12 - John Nelson (a lock)
LD17 - Wendy Rogers (w/i the margin)
LD18 - Russell Pearce (a lock)
LD19 - Rich Crandall (a lock)
LD20 - John McComish (a lock)
LD21 - Steve Yarbrough (a lock)
LD22 - Andy Biggs (a lock)
LD23 - Steve Smith (leading)
LD24 - Don Shooter (leading)
LD25 - Gail Griffin (leading) --  that's 20
LD26 - Al Melvin (a lock)
LD30 - Frank Antenori (a lock)

That is actually 22 if we win ALL the close races.  That is the good news - the better news is that 16 of them are conservatives, but ONLY if we make sure the candidates that are now considered leading end up winning their races. 

Ten days to go.  What will you do to make sure we elect 21 Republican senators - and, more importantly, elect 16 conservative senators?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pinch me, I'm Dreaming: 
McCain supports GOP/Military

Former Republican presidential contender John McCain on the campaign trail Saturday in San Diego, offering a blistering indictment of Barbara Boxer’s record on military issues; the “most bitterly partisan, most anti-defense senator in the United States Senate today” – an assessment he said he’d made while having “the unpleasant experience of serving with her.”

“When you hear her say that she supports the men and women in the military, my friends, she does not,” said McCain, a former Navy pilot who was held as a prisoner of war in Vietnam for five and half years after his plane was shot down in 1967.

“Because Barbara Boxer has never supported the mission; she has never supported victory whether it be in Iraq, or Afghanistan, or anywhere else in the world. Barbara Boxer wants to wave the white flag of surrender and endanger this nation’s national security. It’s time she went back to San Francisco with [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi.”

Careful, what would happen if McCain actually started voting as a Republican.  That would really be a dream.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mitchell Lies Exposed

Those who have known David Schweikert for any length of time are keenly aware of three things:

1.  David Schweikert always tells the truth - no shading, no misleading, no obfuscating.

2.  David Schweikert is one of the smartest public servants we have ever been blessed to know.

3.  David Schweikert believes that public officials work for and are accountable to the citizens he serves.

It has been difficult to watch the scurrilous, outrageously blatant lies in television commercials that have assaulted David's personal integrity and public service.  

To see the truth about one of the worst of the false charges go to:

The lies being spread by Harry Mitchell would make Satan himself blush.  All of his former students call him on his lack of character, honesty and character assassination. 

Whatever you can do to assist David over the next two weeks will be welcomed by David, his family, and the honest citizens of Congressional District Five.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What's wrong with this?

First lady Michelle Obama violated Illinois law -- when she engaged in political discussion at a polling place -- and the White House defended her violation!!

The drama began after Mrs. Obama stopped off at the Martin Luther King Center on the south side of Chicago to cast an early vote.  After finishing at the machine, Mrs. NObama let voters including electrician Dennis Campbell, 56, take some photos.

"She was telling me how important it was to vote to keep her husband's agenda going," Campbell said.

According to the pool reporter at the scene, the conversation took place IN the voting center not far from the booths.

Illinois state law -- Sec. 17-29 (a) -- states: "No judge of election, pollwatcher, or other person shall, at any primary or election, do any electioneering or soliciting of votes or engage in any political discussion within any polling place, within 100 feet of any polling place."

A top Ilinois State Board of Elections official tells the DRUDGE REPORT how Mrs. Obama may have simply been ignorant of the law and thus violated it unintentionally.

"You kind of have to drop the standard for the first lady, right?" the official explained late Thursday. "I mean, she's prety well liked and probably doesn't know what she's doing."

When questioned about the brazen nature of Mrs. Obama's campaigning, press secretary Robert Gibbs defended the action.  "I don't think it would be much to imagine, the First Lady might support her husband's agenda," Gibbs smiled.

Outrage Part Deux

Flagstaff resident Diane Wickberg was twice stopped by Coconino County elections workers at the polls this year for wearing a Flagstaff "tea party" T-shirt even though she was NOT electioneering for any candidate.

One wonders what the White House position is on this case -- or in case a husband, wife, child or parent of a state legislator went in to electioneer for their family member in violation of the law.  Less than 20 days to bring some sanity to our government. 

Vote early and
Vote Conservative.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

 Don't Forget -
Don't EVER Forget

Today is the tenth anniversary of an egregious terrorist attack on our nation and the airwaves are silent. 

The USS Cole was attacked and 17 American members of our Navy were killed by Islamic terrorists.  

While the attacks on 9-11 killed more souls, the USS Cole was just as insidious and heartbreaking to the families of these brave warriors.  

The mastermind of this terrorist attack STILL has not been brought before the Bar of Justice.  Our system says that justice delayed is justice denied, but that only seems to apply to a selected group.

Growing Our Party urges all who read this to contact your congressman and DEMAND JUSTICE in this case.  It is time for these families to have closure. 
Pachyderm Coalition
General Election Endorsements

*The PAChyderm Coalition only endorses for state and local offices after candidate submittal of a Coalition Syllabus and recommendation by the Executive Committee.

Governor - Jan Brewer
Secretary of State - Ken Bennett
Attorney General - Tom Horne
Treasurer - Doug Ducey
Supt. Public Inst. - John Huppenthal
Mine Inspector - Joe Hart
Corp. Comm. - Brenda Burns, Gary Pierce
Maricopa County Att'y - Bill Montgomery
Justice of the Peace - Gerald Williams, Philip Woolbright, Roger Valdez
Peoria School Board - John Rosado
Casa Grande High Board - Stephen Kohut
Casa Grande Elem. Board - Mindy Kohut
CAP Board - TC Bundy, Raymond Johnson, Mark Lewis, Cynthia Moulton, John Rosado

LD1 - Andy Tobin
LD3 - Doris Goodale and Nancy McLain
LD4 - Judy Burges and Jack Harper
LD5 - Brenda Barton and Chester Crandell
LD6 - Carl Seel
LD7 - David Burnell Smith
LD8 - John Kavanagh and Michelle Ugenti
LD10 - Jim Weiers and Kimberly Yee
LD11 - Eric West
LD12 - Jerry Weiers and Steve Montenegro
LD15 - Caroline Condit and Paul Yoder
LD17 - Don Hawker
LD18 - Cecil Ash and Steve Court
LD19 - Kirk Adams and Justin Olson
LD20 - Jeff Dial
LD21 - Tom Forese and JD Mesnard
LD23 - John Fillmore and Frank Pratt
LD25 - David Stevens and Peggy Judd
LD26 - Terry Proud
LD30 - David Gowan and Ted Vogt

LD3 - Ron Gould
LD4 - Scott Bundgaard
LD5 - Sylvia Allen
LD6 - Lori Klein
LD7 - Nancy Barto
LD9 - Rick Murphy
LD10 - Linda Gray
LD15 - Bob Nelson
LD18 - Russell Pearce
LD21 - Steve Yarbrough
LD23 - Steve Smith
LD24 - Don Shooter
LD25 - Gail Griffin
LD26 - Al Melvin
LD28 - Greg Krino
LD30 - Frank Antenori


Proposition 106 YES
Amends the Constitution to prohibit any law from compelling participation in any particular health care system. It would provide for purchase and sale of insurance in private health care systems. The proposition allows individuals to pay health care providers directly without penalty or fine.

Proposition 107 YES
Amends the Constitution to ban programs that give preferential treatment to or discriminate against any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. The ban would apply to the state, counties, cities and towns. It would also affect universities and school districts. This repeal of affirmative action policies allows for fair opportunities for all job candidates.

Proposition 109 YES
Establishes hunting, fishing and harvesting wildlife as constitutional rights for Arizona citizens; prevents any law or rule that would restrict these rights.

Proposition 110 YES
Amends state land laws to allow for the exchange of public land. This proposition is vital to maintaining Arizona ’s military bases that have been threatened by encroaching development.

Proposition 111 Neutral
Changes the Office of Secretary of State to the Office of Lieutenant Governor, maintains current duties and funding.  Establishes that the Lieutenant Governor candidates run individually in the Primary with the Primary winners to run as a single team with the Governor candidate in the General Election.
Proposition 112 YES
Citizen initiatives have been disqualified from the ballot after checks of petition signatures uncovered fraudulent signatures. Increases the time for filing an initiative petition to no less than six months preceding the date of the election for the proposed measures to allow for accurate verification.

Proposition 113 YES
Amends the constitution to include a right to vote by secret ballot for employee representation. The right to vote by secret ballot is a fundamental right. If unions attempted to institute a “card check” instead of the secret ballot, workers would face intimidation to support union organization.

Proposition 203 NO
This proposition would allow patients with specific medical conditions to obtain marijuana with a physician’s certification to treat the identified medical condition or related symptoms. The proposition also includes severe or chronic pain as a reason to prescribe, which invites the potential to abuse.

Proposition 301 YES
Would move money from the outstanding balance in the Land Conservation Fund to help balance the state budget for FY 2011. The balance is currently unused & estimated at $150+ million, and if the proposition does not pass, it would open up a hole that size in the current budget.

Proposition 302 YES
Voters also have an opportunity to repeal the Early Childhood Development and Health Board (First Things First) and redirect the funding to health and human services to children. The tobacco revenues accrued for First Things First have done little except create a bureaucracy. The enacted FY 11 budget assumes the passage of Proposition 302 to close the budget gap by $345million in revenues. Should this measure fail at the ballot, deeper children’s program cuts are inevitable.
THE Alternative to the Southern Arizona Left Wing Press

The Arizona News Telegraph Online Newspaper has been debuted by our Southern Arizona Conservative friends and colleagues.  To see their inaugural edition, please go to:

We the people . . .

A "must see" video:

For the readers among us, here is the transcript.

Dear President Obama,

“We The People” have stated resolutely we reject your vision for our country. You claim you have not heard us.

“We The People” have assembled across America resisting your efforts to subvert our constitution and undermine our liberty. You claim you have not seen us.

Since you have not acknowledged our message, let us here present it once more for if as President Wilson said, “a leader’s ear must ring with the voices of the people,” the time has come.

Our greatest treasure is freedom – the absence of restraints on our ability to think and to act. The corollary of freedom is individual responsibility. We believe in the power of the individual.

A few years ago President Bush said, “History moves toward freedom because the desire for freedom is written in every human heart.” Let us add that we will preserve it only as long as devotion to freedom is expressed in the heart of our actions.

When President Lincoln dedicated Gettysburg National Cemetery he declared, “It is for us the living to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus so nobly advanced.”

That unfinished cause for which our soldiers willingly go to battle and for which so many have given their lives is a free United States of America. It has been nearly one hundred fifty years and the work President Lincoln spoke of is not finished. In fact, that work will never be finished.

Freedom is the capacity of self-determination. It is not an entity but a condition and conditions change. Freedom can expand, yet so can it contract.

You promised change when you took office, Mr. President, but subjugation is not change we wanted or will accept.

You have expanded government, violated our Constitution, confounded laws, seized private industry, destroyed jobs, perverted our economy, curtailed free speech, corrupted our currency, weakened our national security, and endangered our sovereignty.

By compromising our nation’s cultural, legal and economic institutions, you are ensuring that our children will never achieve the same quality of life as we enjoy today. Through generational theft you are robbing the unborn of opportunity.

This is not acceptable. Not in America. We did not become a strong nation through hope but rather through self-reliance.

No one better understands the relationship between individual achievement, dignity and strength than our armed forces. Through every war our soldiers have held this nation’s destiny in their hands. They have not failed us. They cherish freedom enough that they are willing to die for it.

Our duty to them and to ourselves is to treasure freedom enough to live up to it.

We accept the challenge, Mr. President. That is why we are assembling across the land to deliver our message to you as often and in every way we can. Dismiss us at your political peril.

Our great nation is a Republic. We will not accept tyranny under any guise. Your policy to redistribute the fruits of our labor is Statism and will not be tolerated.

By our honor, Mr. President, we vow forever to resist coercive government in America. Patriots will not stand silent as you attempt to dismantle the greatest nation on earth. “We The People” will defend our liberty. We will protect our beloved country and America’s exceptionalism will prevail.

God Bless the United States of America!


We The People

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Battle of the Bilge

One of the most pivotal battles of World War II was the German offensive called the Battle of the Bulge through the Ardenne Forest beginning Christmas Week of 1944.  Even though there was intelligence suggesting a German attack, Allied leaders did not take appropriate precautions.  Only the resistance of the 101st Airborne under the command of General McAuliffe in the town of Bastogne stopped the German advance.  Under General Patton, the American Third Army made one of the most historic movement of men and equipment in the history of warfare.  The American victory at Bastogne cemented the demise of the Third Reich.

Fast Forward to 2008.  American life as we have known it was attacked from within by the socialists, progressives, communists, liberals and the appeasing actions of the monied establishment.  This unfortunate consortium of the truly evil with money grubbing parasites has brought our nation to a state of risk not experienced since The Civil War.  The promise of hope and change to improve our country is now clearly shown to have been a scheme that will destroy our basic values unless defeated.

The policies advanced by this group can only be described as Bilge water.  Bilge water is a collection of detritus like urine and feces from seabirds and unscrupulous sailors, tar, food material, and other dirt that has accumulated on deck. Bilge water is noxious, bad, fouled, or otherwise offensive.  The Obama Care, Financial Reform, Justice Department actions, Cap and Trade, Stimulus, DREAM Act are all anathema to our Constitutional foundations and has all the components of Bilge water.

Pachyderm Coalition Reagan Platform Republican Conservatives have been in the trenches fighting the liberal RINO advances here in Arizona this decade, and without your efforts this war could already have been lost.  Now we look expectantly to the arrival of the Tea Party members to wrap up a major victory and defeat our country's enemies.

October of 2010 is our chance to act in the best interest of our country, as General Patton did in 1944.  It is time for all to do everything possible to win this Battle of the Bilge.  The future for our children and grandchildren is dependent on what we do this month.  Nothing should be more important than this fight for the survival of America and Arizona. 

For those who have been laboring behind the scenes for many years, God bless you for all you have done.  You are to be commended.  May He give you the vision and the strength to redouble your efforts in this critical time.  Together we can win this Battle of the Bilge.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

AZRTL PAC Decision
Harms Pro-Life Agenda

Once again, the Arizona Right to Life Political Action Committee (AZRTL PAC) has shot the Pro-Life agenda in the head with confounding endorsements - or lack thereof.  Earlier this summer, the AZRTL PAC sold out to money interests by endorsing a candidate with a checkered record over a candidate with a 100% Pro-Life voting record.  Nearly all of the grass roots pro-life, pro-family Reagan conservatives felt that decision was not only irresponsible, it was likely to result in further federal pro-abortion actions.  Since this decision had such heinous possibilities to the unborn, many Pro-Life adherents protested the wrong headed decision with phone calls and e-mails but the PAC board chaired by Walt Opaska followed the orders of John Jakubczyk and his financial boss.  This bad decision caused such a rift that members of the AZRTL PAC Board resigned their position.

Today, the AZRTL PAC has compounded that bad decision.  AZRTL PAC released its endorsements for the General Election and has refused to endorse Tom Horne, who, according to their own press release "has publicly pledged to vigorously enforce and defend all pro-life laws and while in legislature, he voted to ban partial birth abortion (HB 2113 4/8/97) and supported a parental consent law (SB 1238 2/23/00). Democrat candidate Felecia Rotellini has refused to answer our questions regarding her position on abortion but is strongly supported by Sam Coppersmith, abortion provider Planned Parenthood, and the pro-abortion groups Emily's List and Arizona's List."

Growing Our Party takes a back seat to no one in support of Life and supports stringent standards for candidate endorsements.  For AZRTL PAC to refuse to endorse a candidate who has grown in his understanding of Pro-Life issues over many, many years, who has a record of supporting parental consent and banning partial birth abortion in the state legislature, who has NO history of taking any position against Life issues in the last decade, and who pledges to vigorously enforce and defend all pro-life laws when the opponent is one of the most radical pro-abortion candidates for the chief law enforcement for the state in recent history is irrational and could result in the loss of innocent life here in Arizona.

Growing Our Party endorsed Andy Thomas in the Primary because we believed him to be stronger on this issue than Mr.  Horne.  However, the Primary is over and we have to decide who is the better pro-life candidate placed before the voters on the General Election ballot.  There can be no doubt that Tom Horne is that person and that he is deserving of the AZRTL PAC endorsement.

Therefore, we call on AZRTL PAC to make a principled decision by reverse this decision and protect life by endorsing the candidacy of Tom Horne in this General Election. 
Paine -
The Right Medicine

"Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer." --Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

The Progressives/Liberals/Socialists that are in control of our federal government and are trying to take charge of our state and local governments continually denigrate the words of our founders as out of touch with the modern world.

The fact is that the words found in the Declaration of Independence as well as the Constitution, buttressed with the wise statements of leaders like Thomas Paine, Poor Richard, Ben Franklin and others are timeless. 

Now we need to identify and elect leaders that will implement their words by placing the common good above personal interests.

Early ballots will be mailed out next week.  Be informed and make sure you are the Town Crier, educating your family, friends and neighbors before they vote. 
The Right Medicine

"Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer." --Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

This simple statement says everything we need to know about the impact of government intrusion into our daily lives.  

The Progressives (Liberals/Socialists/Communists) propound that the words of our founders establishing the cornerstone foundations of life, liberty and property are not applicable in this modern era. 

These words, as well as those in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution are timeless.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A LARGE Memo to
RINOs and other 'Moderates'

Dear Republican Moderates and RINOs:

Is is well past time for you to STOP demanding Party Unity for RINO and Moderate Primary winners from the grass roots conservatives until you start practicing Party Unity for Conservative primary winners.  The jig is up and it is now being noticed by the national news that you have practiced a one-way policy.

While the problem has been consistent for many, many years, this year has seen the most egregious actions by your ilk.  The actions of Crist, Castle, Murkowski have been the most open, but not the only cases where the establishment RINO/Mods have gone out of their way to try to defeat the conservative winner in the Primary. 

Neil Cavuto started his program today with a nursery of crying babies and split screened Crist, Castle and Murkowski with the crybabies for illustration.  Quite appropriate!!!

For further documentation, we reprint the following article:
Party unity is for the wing nuts  
By: Timothy P. Carney
Senior Examiner Columnist   09/22/10 5:45 PM EDT

In light of Tea Party candidate Ovide Lamontagne stumping for establishment candidate Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire after Ayotte beat Lamontagne in the primary, here’s a brief history of recent moments in party loyalty and disloyalty in the GOP, off the top of my head:

1994, GOP nominates conservative Ollie North for Senate. Moderate Sen. John Warner, in response, recruited independent Marshall Coleman to run, and Coleman took enough votes from North so that Chuck Robb (D) held on and won with less than 50%.

2001, conservative Bret Schundler pulls off an upset in the gubernatorial primary, beating Bob Franks, and the establishment leaves him out to dry and lose badly to Jim McGreevey.

2004, Rick Santorum and George W. Bush go to the mat to save liberal Sen. Arlen Specter from a primary challenge by conservative Sen. Pat Toomey. Bush appears at a rally for Specter, and Santorum cuts multiple TV ads for him. Specter wins narrowly, and Toomey endorses him. Specter then doesn’t show at a Bush-Cheney rally in the fall, and Bush loses Pennsylvania. After the election, Specter warns Bush not to send any anti-Roe justices his way.

2006, conservative Tim Walberg defeats liberal Rep. Joe Schwarz in the GOP primary in Michigan.  In 2008, Schwarz endorses the Democratic nominee, who wins.

2008, conservative Andy Harris knocks off liberal Rep. Wayne Gilchrest in the GOP primary. Gilchrest then endorses the Democratic nominee, who beats Harris.

2009, GOP operatives choose liberal Dede Scozzfava to run in a special election. Conservative forces get behind independent Doug Hoffman. When Scozzafava's support collapses in the polls, she drops out and endorses the Democrat, who wins.

2009, Pat Toomey again challenges Sen. Arlen Specter in the GOP primary. When polls show Specter badly losing, he switches to run as a Democrat. When Specter loses his primary to liberal Democrat Joe Sestak, he warmly endorses Sestak.

2010, Sen. Lisa Murkowski loses her Senate primary to Joe Miller. Murkowski runs as a write-in.

2010, liberal Gov. Charlie Crist, with the backing of the GOP establishment, still falls behind conservative Marco Rubio in the polls. Crist runs as an independent.

2010, liberal Rep. Mike Castle loses his primary to conservative Christine O’Donnell. Castle refuses to endorse.

Noticing a pattern? The pattern is this: party loyalty is a lie used to make conservatives more obedient.

Party Unity will only occur when all sections of "The Big Tent" stay in the tent regardless of Primary election outcomes.

UPDATE 9-23 7PM:


See the above call re: Party Unity - something these roaches have personally demanded when they were the candidates who won primaries!!
Obamacare is even worse than critics thought
Washington Examiner Editorial September 22, 2010

Six months ago, President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rammed Obamacare down the throats of an unwilling American public.

Half a year removed from the unprecedented legislative chicanery and backroom dealing that characterized the bill's passage, we know much more about the bill than we did then.

A few of the revelations:

» Obamacare, according to Medicare's actuary, will increase, not lower, costs. The same is likely to happen for privately funded health care.

» Obamacare covers elective abortions, contrary to Obama's promise that it wouldn't. This means your tax dollars will be used to pay for abortions.

» Obamacare won't allow employees or most small businesses to keep the coverage they have and like. By Obama's estimates, as many as 69 percent of employees, 80 percent of small businesses, and 64 percent of large businesses will be forced to change coverage, probably to more expensive plans.

» Obamacare will increase insurance premiums -- in some places, it already has. Insurers, suddenly forced to cover clients' children until age 26, have little choice but to raise premiums.

» Obamacare will force seasonal employers -- especially the ski and amusement park industries -- to pay huge fines, cut hours, or lay off employees.

» Obamacare forces states to guarantee not only payment but also treatment for indigent Medicaid patients. With many doctors now refusing to take Medicaid (because they lose money doing so), cash-strapped states could be sued and ordered to increase reimbursement rates beyond their means.

» Obamacare imposes a huge nonmedical tax compliance burden on small business. It will require them to mail IRS 1099 tax forms to every vendor from whom they make purchases of more than $600 in a year, with duplicate forms going to the Internal Revenue Service.

» Obamacare allows the IRS to confiscate part or all of your tax refund if you do not purchase a qualified insurance plan. The bill funds 16,000 new IRS agents to make sure Americans stay in line.

If you wonder why so many American voters are angry, and no longer give Obama the benefit of the doubt on a variety of issues, you need look no further than Obamacare, whose birthday gift to America might just be a GOP congressional majority.

Need a reason to make sure your family, friends and neighbors vote Republican this election? This should be enough for you to convince them that their vote matters.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


This past Friday, Senator Lisa Murkowski announced plans seek re-election as a write-in candidate in Alaska.

This past weekend, Lisa Murkowski attacked Sen. Jim DeMint for working against her, stating "I don't think that's it's particularly helpful to undercut fellow Republicans." This might be a fair criticism if she weren't the one running a write-in campaign against Republican nominee in her state.

The moderates and RINO liberals love to lecture conservatives about how we need to support liberal candidates to "expand the tent" and win seats for Republicans. But when these Republican-in-name-only ("RINO") lose their primaries, many leave the party and join the opposition. Lisa Murkowski is the latest by following in the footsteps of Arlen Specter and Charlie Crist.

Murkowski's betrayal provides more proof that big-tent hypocrites don't really care about winning a majority for Republicans. Conservative candidates are in it for their country while too many RINO's seek office for personal status and power.

Murkowski supported a massive cap-and-trade energy tax that would permanently destroy millions of jobs in this country. Murkowski has waffled on whether she would support repeal of Obama's health care take over. Murkowski is one of the worst abusers of the pay-to-play earmarks system. And Murkowski doesn't support the sanctity of human life.

With positions like these that are in direct conflict with the Republican Party Platform, it's no surprise Murkowski and other liberal RINO's are leaving the party. We are glad that they are leaving and only wish that they would take the other RINO's with them.

As long as we have Republican elected officials advocating higher taxes, bigger and more intrusive government, and other issues in direct conflict with our Constitution, the collateral damage to our stature with the population at large will serve to damage our ability to return America to the Founding Principles.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Party of KNOW

The Democrats have been accusing the Republican Party as being the Party of No. Well, we have recently discovered that the Democrat Party Progressives are homophonically challenged in addition to their other serious deficiencies.

The Republican Party and its Platform as constructed by Ronald Reagan is the Party of KNOW!

Republicans KNOW that raising taxes in a recession is bad policy.

Republicans KNOW that failing to secure one's property, whether personal, corporately or nationally, invites criminals and terrorists to destroy what one has earned through hard work.

Republicans KNOW that licentious immoral behavior degrades the values of the community.

Republicans KNOW that a government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you treasure.

Republicans KNOW that a government socialist "health" system will end up bankrupting the treasury AND killing people.

Republicans KNOW that facism is harmful and that companies of all sizes can and should be allowed to fail if they are unable to compete in a free marketplace.

Republicans KNOW that elected officials are supposed to be the employees of the electorate, not the other way around.

Republicans KNOW that the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, is the bedrock of this nation, and that we need to rein in the black robed activists who are acting unconstitutionally.

We are PROUD to be members of the Party of KNOW.

PS: It is also a mark of integrity to be a member of the Party that says NO to the pro-death, pro-big government, pro-gun confiscation, pro-conservation, pro-socialized medicine, pro-communist manifesto left wing wackos.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tax Cuts vs Tax Increases

Lets stop debating issues using the rhetoric of the Democrat socialists. There is NO talk of tax cuts by anyone at this time. The real issue is whether the federal government will RAISE everyone's taxes beginning January 1, or whether the current tax rates will remain as they are.

Everyone who thinks that taxes should be raised in the deepest and longest recession since The Great Depression please raise their hands.

(Pause for the Jeopardy music to play while we wait.)

Yesses from Barack, Nancy and Harry.

( Bzzzz. )

Sorry, another wrong answer from those three (anyone surprisd?)!

Cut the spending.

No more double talk.

Cut the Spending.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Did You Know -- Part 2

Did you know, The PAChyderm Coalition is the ONLY membership organization that evaluates hundreds of bills forwarded in our state legislature every session for social, fiscal and constitutional value.

Did you know, The PAChyderm Coalition bill ratings are established prior to being voted on so legislators are not blindsided after the fact.

Did you know, legislators are evaluated for sponsorship AND voting record on the bills before them from committee to final votes.

Did you know, the scores the legislators earn by their voting record are compiled and released weekly throughout the legislative session.

Did you know, the criteria used to weight bills:
1) Supports US Constitution 2) Supports Republican Party Platform 3) Supports individual / private sector empowerment over government empowerment 4) Supports national security (including illegal alien issues) 5) Reduces government spending 6) Reduces tax rates in general

We warmly welcome Constitutional Conservative people to join us in our direct commitment to reach a veto-proof 20/40 legislature.
We appreciate the passion and energy being provided by those who are newly active in the political arena.
The PAChyderm Coalition is uniquely structured to provide the mechanism to influence elected officials in the restoration of the values enscribed in our Constitution.

Check out our website for upcoming meeting dates: .

For membership information, contact us directly at:
The Time is NOW

Early ballots will be in the mail in 25 days. It is important to keep in mind that most of the ballots cast in our elections are early ballots. Races will, for all intents and purposes, be won or lost weeks before Election Day.

The PAChyderm Coalition IEPAC Committee will decide the pecking order for Independent Expenditure assistance this week. Your contributions will enable us to widen the field of targeted races.

This year we have many more opportunities to make a difference since there are no matching funds given to our opponents funded by Clean Elections. With redistricting, budget, and education issues on the front burner, this election could be the most important election of our lifetime.

If you are a procrastinator, you have now arrived at the last minute. Don't delay.

P.S.: Our membership meeting is this Wednesday, the 15th at Marie Callenders 50th Avenue and Bell Road. The Dinner Meeting begins at 6:15 PM. Guaranteed exciting news awaits. You won't want to miss this meeting.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Did You Know?

At the risk of being assailed for being self-serving, we forward the following:

Did you know, The PAChyderm Coalition is the ONLY 100% Conservative Republican Independent Expenditure Political Action Committee in Arizona?

Did you know, The PAChyderm Coalition has made millions of auto dial calls in the support of Reagan Republican candidates for state and local offices in this state this decade - with special focus on the primary elections.

Did you know, The PAChyderm Coalition members are also active in their legislative/county party leadership

Did you know, The PAChyderm Coalition members provide leadership in many other conservative political organizations?

Did you know, The PAChyderm Coalition, with your help, has added new chapters across the state over the last couple of years and continues to expand?

We warmly welcome Constitutional Conservatives to join us as we strive for a veto-proof 20/40 legislature.

We appreciate the passion and energy being provided by those who are newly active in the political arena.

The PAChyderm Coalition is uniquely structured to provide the mechanism to influence elected officials in the restoration of the values enscribed in our Constitution.

Check out our website: for upcoming meeting dates and other important updates.

For membership information, contact us directly at:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Words are not enough , yet words are too much

Never forget

Friday, September 10, 2010

What happened to the Budget Deficit Solution??

Just five months ago voters were told of the need to impose a one-cent sale tax increase for the next three years to balance the budget.


Arizona faces a budget deficit of over a billion dollars this year IF the voters pass the propositions allowing the stripping of over a half billion from First Things First and Conservation Funds.

Think that is bad?? Well, the projected budget deficit is $1.5 billion in FY 2012- if their projections are correct (They never are correct, the reality is ALWAYS worse than the projection).

To make things worse, the budget deficit will continue to get worse in fiscal year 2013.


In 2014, the deficit will double with the expiration of the three year temporary sales tax.

Anyone shocked that, once again, the electorate has been snookered by those we have hired??

Early ballots are expected to be in your hands by October 8. The people we elect this year will have the responsibility to solve this problem. Make sure your candidate is committed to CUT THE SPENDING! Nothing else will work! CUT THE SPENDING!
The Unemployment Scam

Are you unemployed?

Not if you are on federal extended unemployment benefits - even if you were laid off from your job and have been unable to find work.

Not if you have run out of unemployment benefits - even if you were laid off from your job and have been able to find work.

Not if you have applied at every business who uses your skills and they are laying off and you do not have any chance to find employment in your skills.

Not if you have risked all your life savings in starting a business that failed due to the economic downturn.

Not if you were laid off in California or one of the other eight states that did not report data to the Department of Labor this week due to the Labor Day Holiday so the Obama crew was forced to "estimate" new claims.

That is the way the Obama Administration counts unemployment.

The Obama Administration that promised that unemployment would not exceed 8% if we passed the stimulus package, and has now led us through Recovery Summer tells us we are making progress.

In spite of a myriad of accounting gimmicks, they are now reporting 9.6% unemployment. The facts are that the number of people looking for work that cannot find such work is over 20%. The highest since the Great Depression and the Obama Administration is using the FDR method that increases the chance we will be in this mess for a decade.

We have the opportunity to make sure that dire situation is corrected beginning four weeks from now as we cast our early ballots. It is time to bring the hopey-changey thing to a screeching halt. Take the Richard Daley course and vote early and vote often.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sheriff Paul Babeu
The New Enigma Machine
Sheriff Babeu is quoted in CNSnews as follows:

“Our own government has become our enemy and is taking us to court at a time when we need help,” Babeu said.

One question to the self described "There's a new tough talking sheriff in Arizona".

Why are you, Sheriff Babeu, appearing in campaign ads with John McCain, arguably the person most responsible for the mess we are in?

Is it because you want the money and other support you believe can come from the McCain forces with your sellout?

We challenge you to walk your talk. Shame on you for your double dealing!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

New poll on SB1070 and other facts
There is a new poll that we can pretty much guarantee will not be the subject of a news article in the Republic. As we go to press there is a poll on Arizona Central about the image of Arizona as a result of SB1070.
The results will not shock anyone but the Republic itself which has an article today headlined -- Amid immigration conflict, Arizona's image takes a beating
Well it seems even its dwindling readership disagrees.
62.25% Arizona's image is ENHANCED
25.83% Arizona's image is damaged, and
11% who are brain dead
We encourage you to participate in the poll
Even the Republic had to acknowledge in its yellow sheet article that a MAJORITY of the "protesters" here this week were paid SEIU Union Obama supporters bused in from Los Angeles. PS: Thanks for contributing to our economy with food, lodging and bail money!
When two Mexican flag waving law breakers interrupted a Diamondbacks game yesterday, the stands broke out in chants of USA, USA, USA in support of our stand.
All the opponents, including the Chambers who support illegals for the cheap labor, warned, with slashing of wrists, that the tourism industry would suffer dire consequences due to SB1070, and now we have the facts from the Hotel Industry that Arizona is alone in America with a 10.7% INCREASE in hotel guests compared to last year. It appears that the boycott funded with union funds has turned into a buycott with NO mega bucks support.

The Republic article states the followng: And from outside the state, the portrayals have been scathing. The reality is that according to Rasmussen Reports, 66% of American voters support their state passing a law similar to SB1070.