Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Humans successfully reverse the Theory of Evolution

That is a fact according to Margaret Dugan, as stated in the debate on KAET last night. Here is her quote: " Every animal on the face of the earth can successfully teach their young what they want them to learn. The only animal that cannot do that is the human animal."

I guess that means that we have devolved back past the monkeys to . . . - What? Even the host, Ted Simons was struck dumb as the camera panned to him immediately after this remarkable statement

Is that her way of saying that we cannot do without the Dept. of Ed. bureaucracy?

Is she a closet AEA supporter?

Maybe, since she is also the only Repubican candidate to take the AEA position that we must have taxpayer supported all-day Kindergarten.

And so many thought Margaret was the supreme conservative - with NO track record to substantiate that belief.
Once again, we must be careful about supporting those who say they believe in conservative values, but have never had to back up their purported position with a track record.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Orwell was only off 25 years

Yes, it can now be substantiated that Orwell's 1984 came into fruition a quarter century late. Barack Hussein Obama was inaugurated in 2009, and the world has been stood on its ear ever since. In fact, it seems that BO's 1984 mentality has infiltrated all the way down to the state, legislative and local levels of politics.

We have a proven left winger appointed to the post of interim countyattorney by a Republican dominated BOS for the purpose of protecting the unseemly and probably illegal actions of the board members - and no one exposes it.

We have one-time "conservatives" like Matt Salmon and Trent Franks endorsing big government progressives for a plethora of offices while refusing to return phone calls from those who faithfully supported them and the Constitution and Rule of Law for decades.

We have the governor crowing about a law that she did not support prior to a Rasmussen Poll showing 84% of Republican Primary voters favored it, simply to fool the public. The fact is SB1070 was written, pushed, argued and cajoled through the legislature by Russell Pearce without one sign of support from the ninth floor.

We have the Chambers of Commerce endorsing big government liberal candidates from both parties who will swear to pass legislation to enrich the filthy lucre of its members. Destroying the taxpayers in the course of their actions is of no mind to these self serving creatures.

Grass roots activists, the next 60 days will determine our fate. Senate races like Bundgaard v Bouie, Allen v Konopnicki, Klein v Braswell, Davis v Driggs, Silver v Nelson, Molina v Crandall, Smith v Byars, Griffin v Smith, Antenori v McClure.

House races where big government advocates are challenging true conservatives like Tobin/Campbell, McLain/Goodale, Burges/Harper, Seel/Fitzgerald, Smith/Sprague, Kavanagh/Ugenti, Douglas/Lesko, Weiers/Yee, Forese/Mesnard, Hendrix/Petillo.

It extends to statewide offices where Andrew Thomas and Thayer Verschoor are being challenged by certifiable left-wing big money candidates with a strong history of supporting Democrat candidates throughout their adult life. And, of course, Montgomery v Romley.

There are many other races at the federal level and legislative levels where there is a clear difference however, the races above are where the contrast is stark and very dangerous. Conservatives must not assume that they will have a strong candidate to rally around in November.

Early ballots will be sent out within the month. Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their state.

Monday, June 21, 2010

How do you identify 'CRAZY'?

It is suspected when a person has run for office for decades who never reached a 2% support level in a general electioncomplains that new recruits to his party are destroying his ability to win.

BH (we refuse to dramatically raise his name ID by printing it) has consistently blamed Matt Salmon for keeping him from being governor in 2002. Now he is shooting new Libertarian candidates because they did not contribute to his historically abysmal losses.

In addition, he accuses Tea Party activists of being thieves for "stealing" their connection to the Ron Paul legacy. BH actually believes that he owns that.

It is a short trip from lack of credibility to certifiable lunacy. Get the rubber room ready.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

News Flash TO the Republic

The imminent Death of you and your industry

Rasmussen Reports that Sixty-six percent (66%) of U.S. voters describe themselves as at least somewhat angry at the media, including 33% who are Very Angry.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone poll finds that 31% say they are not overly angry at the media, but that includes just nine percent (9%) who say they are not at all angry.

Voters have consistently said in polls that the national media has a liberal bias and that most reporters try to help the candidates they want to be victorious. If organizations like the Republic continue to anger over two-thirds of the public, their demise will be sure and swift.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Conservative Clarion Call

In her acceptance speech last night, South Carolina Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Nikki Haley clearly stated the problem that currently exists within the Republican Party across this nation.

"South Carolina has been 'settling'. We have been 'settling' for a Republican House, a Republican Senate and a Republican Governor. I won't stop until we get a conservative House, a conservative Senate and a conservative Governor."

This message needs to be sent to Randy Pullen and staff on 24th Street, the Ninth Floor of the Capitol, and the Second Floors in the House and Senate on the Mall:

We cannot any longer have our "conservative" leaders support programs, set up by socialists in the form of the Gulletts, like "Twelve in '10" that supports candidates like Meyer(D), Konopnicki, Fann, Driggs, Nelson, Reeve, and Crandall against tried and true conservative candidates;

We can no longer turn a blind eye to elected "conservatives" who give power and authority to personages like Grant Woods;

We can no longer accept Party Leadership who run as conservatives then spend the next two years working with the McCain, Chamber, Brewer Troika that tries to oust our conservative Precinct Committeemen.

It is time for a leader like Nikki Haley to rise up in Arizona. The voting public is looking for true conservative leadership in Arizona.
Brewer, McCain and Woods --
Protection Plan: All Bark - No Bite!

Here we go again with Grunt Woods, former Chief of Staff to John McCain and current Campaign Chairman for Jan Brewer yapping like a crazed Chihuahua. Woods has been an embarrassment to Republicans, Independents and Democrats alike in his public pronouncements over the years. Now he has managed to top his own litany of irrational inanities.

To quote this sick and possibly deranged purveyor of socialist, open borders dogma: "I believe that the image of Arizona as intolerant will stick until we rise above it. To be an Arizonan is to be a part of Mexico." WHAT?

News flash to Grant: To be an Arizonan is to be a part of the United States of America!

Whenever you want to migrate your pompous personage to Mexico, I am sure there will be many willing hands and trailers to provide free packaging and transport!

It is time for conservatives to oppose not only Grant Woods, but those who continue to bestow positions of authority upon him. Votes against Brewer and McCain are votes against Grant Woods and what he stands for.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Yes, the future of the Republican Party in this state is in your hands and feet. And the time to take charge of the future is down to 45 hours.

Precinct Committeemen and State Committeemen will elect our Party Officials at the Precinct, District, County and State Levels later this year, but those eligible to participate in those organization meetings are restricted by state law to those who have submitted their paperwork to the County Recorder no later than 5pm on June 9 - this Wednesday.

True Republicans AND Republicans-In-Name-Only will decide the direction of the Party - toward Constitutional Ronald Reagan conservativism or toward the pro-amnesty, pro-death Rockefeller/McCain liberal agenda.

45 hours is a very short time, but it is enough if the priority is high enough.