Monday, December 24, 2012

2013 A new page for the AZGOP

2013 will bring new leadership to both the Arizona Republican Party and the Maricopa County Republican Committee. What that will look like is yet to be determined and whether the changes will be an improvement or not will not be known for many months.

2012 was very turbulent and it would be nice if the new year would bring stability but we are not hopeful that will be the case. It appears that the grass roots have been successfully split by the powers on the second floor of the legislature and the ninth floor of the Capitol Tower.

We must all be alert of those who speak of their conservative principles when their work product does not match the rhetoric. It is important that each Precinct Committeeman and State Committeeman do their homework and properly vet each candidate. Blindly following others who may have vested personal interest in the outcome is guaranteed to result in catastrophe.

The Secretary of State campaign contributions filings and the Federal Elections Commission financial records would be the first places to research the candidates. Where a man (or woman) puts their money is one of the best indicators of where their heart is.