Friday, July 30, 2010

Doug Ducey -
worse than we even thought

First, there is well documented evidence that Doug Ducey left a trail of devastation and bankruptcies for those who invested in his business escapades. One of the causes for this sorry outcome is the fact that franchisees were required purchase 100% of their product from one vendor and if they didn't they were in breech of contract. With Ducey's reputation for being a great businessman, people wondered why this vendor's prices were the highest in the marketplace. An in-depth investigation uncovered the fact that Ducey's sole vendor was required to remit to corporate (Ducey) a percentage of the gross cost of everything the franchisee ordered. This looks and functions similar to schemes called "kickbacks".

Then we were amazed when his financial disclosure forms listed fewer resources than the homeless under the Seventh Avenue bridge. NO investments, NO stocks, NO bonds, NO holdings, nothing but a family trust. In addition, Ducey is listed as Chairman of the Board of IMemories, yet he shows NO debtors, NO creditors and NO property for the company. This is especially troubling for a candidate who would be investing billions of taxpayer dollars if he should be successful. How would anyone know if the investments were beneficial to "the family trust?"

Next his contributors are dominated by the McCain Amnesty crowd - The Hensley gang (Yonko, Delgado, Delgado, and Chiocca), Andrew McCain, Mac Magruder and spouse, Don Budinger, and the LeVecke gang (Carl, Neisha and Margaret). Does anyone know of any candidate supported by the McCain/amnesty group who was not politically beholden to follow the dictates of the group?

With those revelations as a background, we were still surprised that Ducey has only voted in the Primary Elections one time in the last decade. He is now asking Republican Primary voters to vote for him in this Primary Election when he almost totally refused to participate in that same system himself.

To recap - horrible business track record, unable or unwilling to complete candidate financial disclosure forms with transparency, financed by the McCain Amnesty cabal, and a personal slackard in his voting history.

Thayer Verschoor is the only true conservative running for State Treasurer; a conservative who voted for the largest tax cuts in the history of the state; a Reagan Republican who is one of only six legislators to ever be awarded the prestigious "Spirit of '76" honor by the Pachyderm Coalition; a fiscal watchdog who received the coveted "Champion of the Taxpayer" award from Americans for Prosperity on multiple occasions; a patriot endorsed by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Senator Russell Pearce; and a leader endorsed by 25 of his fellow legislators - men and women who worked with him on a daily basis. That is a track record to be valued and supported. A record few, if any, can match.
Vote for integrity.
Vote for transparency.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Arizona Hotels Thriving
in the middle of the Boycott!!!

The latest news from national sources show that what was supposed to be a boycott of Arizona over SB1070, has actually turned into a Buycott! According to a new study from the hotel industry research firm STR, hotel occupancy was up 5.7 percent in May and up 8.3 percent in June compared with the same time a year ago.

In a repudiation of the Boycott Arizona open borders gangsters, Phoenix hotel occupancy was up 10.6 percent in June; in Scottsdale, it was up 10.7 percent for the same period. Revenue also was up, with Arizona hotels raking in $148 million last month -- up more than 11 percent from a year ago.

Growing Our Party has been told for a couple of months now about people who were coming to Arizona from around the country specifically to support the rule of law and protection of our sovereignty. This is the first data available that substantiates those anecdotal stories and confirms the fact that good things happen when you do the right thing for the right reasons.

Maybe the Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Phoenix Leadership, ATRA, and the Republic should re-evaluate their position on SB1070. Of course, that won't happen. In fact, the Republic will continue to live in denial, since they won't even print this story.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Rocky Mountain Poll now
discredited by journalists

Earl deBerge and his polling institutions (Rocky Mountain and Behavioral Research) have finally gone where no one ever has gone before. In the latest Senate poll? that they released, the number of independents included amounted to 40% of those called. With over 30% of the registered voters being independents, that might not seem too ridiculous, however, the record is that independents participating in Republican primaries falls in the 2% range.

In addition, Earl de McCain, refuses to release the specific questions used in the poll. It is a major point of credibility for pollsters to release the questions, the setup information relayed to the person being polled and the sequence the questions are asked. These actions are consistent with the actions of John McCain, which may be why there seems to be a blood-brother relationship between these two.

McCain confesses in his own book, Worth the Fighting for, that when he has had the option of losing or lying, he has chosen lying. What an incredible statement to make, especially when it is done without regret or repentance. To vote for a person because you believe in him, when he states that he will lie without equivocation is non-sensical.

Now to the important point. Conservatives need to redouble their efforts over the next fourteen days. Reliable information in the Republic this morning indicates that Hayworth and McCain are within the Deakin margin. Earl only missed the correct result by the omission of a dash. Instead of 45 points, the correct answer is 4-5 points. Additionally, Deakin damaged himself in the two televised debates this week and it is clear that a vote for Jimmie is a vote for McCain.

Moral victories can make a difference in some occasions, however, real victories change the course of history. Barry Goldwater won a moral victory over the Rockefeller liberals, but it took the Reagan victory to actually change the policies of our country.

JD's victory will change the landscape of Arizona politics as we have known it. The influence of the McCain gang throughout cities, counties, chambers of commerce, special interest lobbying organizations, etc. cannot be overstated. Now is the time to light the afterburners. Victory is in sight, but can only be accomplished with conservatives doing the hard work in the summer heat.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Where's the Soap?

When we were young, it was common practice for parents to wash out the mouth of children who lied. Obviously, John McCain's parents never took the effort to apply the Ivory to Johnny's mouth.

As a state and as a nation, there must be a foundation even more basic than the Constitution and that is the integrity of our leaders. We say that because even the socialists and communists use the Constitution falsely to confound and mislead the public. A man's word should be his bond, and a graduate of the United States Naval Academy should have learned this prior to getting his uniform, if he didn't know it before.

Here is the bottom line:


Phoenix, AZ (JULY 17) - Sen. John McCain looked the people of Arizona in the eye during last night's televised debate and lied when he said "And by the way I never supported amnesty."

"In his book Worth The Fighting For, John said that he was faced with a tough choice during his 2000 bid for the Presidency," said U.S. Senate Candidate J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ). "John, in his own words, decided lying was the best way out of a difficult situation. He made the same decision when faced with his continuing support for amnesty last night."

In McCain's book, he wrote: "I didn't want to do this. But I could tell from the desperate looks of my staff that we had an enormous problem. And that it could come down to lying or losing. I chose lying."

On December 15, 2000, McCain entered a statement into the Congressional record that said: "In particular, this bill makes meaningful but insufficient progress on amnesty for those wrongly denied it, and does not address legitimate concerns about Central American refugee parity."

On May 29, 2003, the Tucson Citizen quoted McCain saying: "Amnesty has to be an important part because there are people who have lived in this country for 20, 30 or 40 years, who have raised children here and pay taxes here and are not citizens."

He sponsored not once, but twice the McCain-Kennedy amnesty legislation that would cost American taxpayers $2.6 trillion in retirement benefits alone for illegal aliens who are granted amnesty.

And as late as April 10 of this year, his office was sending out letters that stated: "Considering our national interest in identifying these individuals (illegal aliens) and our inability to round up and deport all of them, we must provide these individuals with incentives to come forward, complete security background checks, pay any owed taxes and stiff penalties for breaking the law, learn to speak English, and regularize their status."

Hayworth said "regularize" is just McCain's latest code word for amnesty.

"First it was amnesty, and then it was comprehensive immigration reform, now a new one - regularize," he said. "But it is all the same amnesty pure and simple."

"John lied last night. Arizona deserves a Senator the people can trust," Hayworth said.

Growing Our Party is obligated to remind everyone that John McCain voted for the 1986 Amnesty fiasco. It appears that McCain has become a pathological liar and cannot discern truth from fiction. Arizona deserves a senator that it can trust. John McCain is not that man.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why and who are we fighting?

I don't know about you, but it seems at times that even the best of us are forgetful about the reason that originally brought us to the political scene.

"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him." — G.K. Chesterton

In addition, many seem more concerned about the purity of their friends than the evil of those who would destroy the very foundations of our country.

"The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally - not a 20 percent traitor." — Ronald Reagan

The makeup of our next legislature may very well hinge on "conservative" Republicans backing other tried and true conservative Republicans instead of opening the door for RINO's.
We experienced this in 2008 with the Phony Tony escapades. Now it seems to have spread to the far reaches of the county.

With only three weeks until Primary early ballots are mailed out, "conservative" legislators, candidates and their friends would do well to read these two quotes every morning and every evening.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Democrat Poll Results:

The Donkey is in a Pile of Dung

Democratic Polling firm Democracy Corps (D) has a new survey out that should send chills up the spines of Democrats. Like the recent NPR survey, there's really no good news there for Democrats. Among the findings of the poll of likely voters:

•62% believe the country is on the wrong track.
•Republicans have a higher "thermometer" rating.
•Republicans lead in the generic ballot, 48%-42%.
•Democrats barely lead on environment.
•Republicans lead on ALL other issues.
•Obama's approval is under water, 45%-51%.
•Obamacare bill still appears to be a net drag.
•The President's personal ratings have all slid.
•55% think the label "socialist" describes Obama.
•Obama's done nothing to improve the economy.
•Cut taxes and spending to improve the economy.

And this is the good news from BO's friends.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Memo to
Legislative Candidates

According to Rasmussen Reports, only 13% of voters believe that state budget crises are due to a lack of taxes, while 75% believe that uncontrolled spending is the main cause of the problem. An amazing 12% don't have a clue. That 12% seems to be fairly consistent with every poll, regardless of the subject. We can only conclude that they are mental patients or live in a monastery.

Back to the usable information, this poll means that over 85% of people with demonstrated ability to form an opinion support cutting the spending. We actually believe this number will grow as more people receive information from sources other than the MSM and government union proponents.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010


These are the important criteria to consider SB1070 and its relationship to the federal Code.

Almost everyone agrees that a state cannot pass and enforce a law that is contrary to federal law that is in line with the Constitution.

The federal government has just filed suit challenging the state of Arizona’s new anti-illegal immigration law. The basis? The Supremacy Clause, which says that federal law trumps state law.

But that argument should only have credibility if a state law is contrary to the federal law. In this case, the state law mimics the US Code.
It basically gives the state a mechanism to enforce federal law, to turn over people police have a reasonable suspicion to believe may be illegal over to the feds.

Courts have consistently ruled that the states have “concurrent authority” when state law only mimics federal law. -- Five federal appeals courts have applied this in context of illegal aliens, upholding states’ rights to arrest illegals.

It is also being reported that the other ground for the legal challenge is racial profiling but the SB1070 specifically addresses that issue In fact, SB1070 contains specific language that makes it illegal for a police officer or other government official to use profiling when enforcing the law. Current United States Statutes does not contain this safeguard.

Finally, a 2002 memo from the Justice department concluded that state police have “inherent power” to arrest undocumented immigrant for violating federal law. That memo will come back to haunt them now.

To come to any other conclusion would mean that state laws against robbery, kidnapping, and murder or laws banning discrimination or health and safety laws, etc. are all illegal since there are national statutes covering such actions.

The ridiculous position of the Obama Justice Department seems to be that whenever a state has a law covering an action that is covered under federal law, it would be automatically illegal under the Supremacy Clause. This has never been the law and any attempt to implement it in this case by a District Court would be shocking.

Friday, July 2, 2010

BO = Bashing Occidentals

Yep, it is time to face the facts that Hussein hates everything occidental. He has an inbred antagonism for capitalism, personal liberty, limited government, parental choice, state sovereignty, gun rights, free speech, and on, and on, and on.

It is somewhat comforting that the American people are getting the picture. According to Rasmussen, only 25% of the public believe that the destimulus helped the workforce/economic picture, and only 15% support more government spending instead of lowered taxes. The American public also supports reduced government regulations on businesses. Lastly, 82% of the public believe that the federal government should cut the size of the deficit in half by 2013.

Are you listening BO? In case you can't figure it out on yourself, these numbers clearly demonstrate that your policies are opposed by more than just the occidentals you despise. We do not think you will listen, which is why we believe that the Republicans are odds-on favorites to take back the House, and even money to take back the Senate.

We know you are pushing the socialist/communist/progressive agenda. We are not sure if it is genes or jeans because you can't be this dumb occidentally.