Friday, January 14, 2011

Reince Priebus new RNC Chair

The Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman, Reince Priebus has been elected as the new Chairman of the Republican National Committee on the seventh ballot.  Mr. Priebus led on every ballot, and increased his vote total on every ballot that culminated with 97 votes.  The Committee later unanimously approved his selection by acclimation.

The former Chairman, Michael Steele, dropped out after the fourth ballot as his support waned on every ballot from 44 on the first ballot to 28 on the fourth. 

Mr. Priebus has a record of suporting the grass roots activists, working closely with AFP, Tea Party and other conservative organizations in what has traditionally been a blue state.  Under his leadership, the GOP won the US Senate Seat (defeating Russ Feingold of the notorious McCain-Feingold law), the Governorship, six of the Congressional seats and both houses of the Legislature. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Haney, Conservative Slate
squashes McCain, Cheatham

Today's Maricopa County Statutory Meeting at the El Zaribah Shrine Auditorium, was the site of an overwhelming Conservative victory in the election of Republican Party Leadership for the next two years.  Incumbent Chairman Rob Haney defeated newcomer McCain supported candidate Bill Cheatham by the largest margin in recent memory. 

The winning margin of more than 700 votes, 1281 for Haney to 575 for Cheatham, should be a message that should at long last be accepted by the big government, amnesty loving, left wing of the Party that they are not in step with the majority of Republicans in this state. 

If those who advocate for bigger government, ceding of states rights, amnesty, socialized medicine, abortion rights and homosexual rights want to continue in the political arena, perhaps they should follow the advice of President Ronald  Reagan:

"A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs, which must not be compromised to political expediency or simply to swell its numbers.... And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these conservative principles, then let them go their own way."

Let us know when you are having your Bon Voyage party, so we can join in the celebration.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Misplaced finger pointing

"Unintended consequences by one's actions do come home to roost.", states Wes Harris, in a visceral diatribe against Rob Haney. It is unfortunate that Mr. Harris makes accusations against one of our greatest patriots in Maricopa County. It is nearly surreal considering the fact that Mr. Harris has done little more than create disharmony and conflict in his short time in the Party.

Lets see if we can help Mr. Harris. It is the right, no, the DUTY of every conservative Republican to bend every effort supporting the conservative candidate on the ballot - General AND Primary.  Rob Haney has a clear and consistent record of fulfilling that duty.  Every conservative registered voter - including Precinct Committeemen - should do likewise. To do less would be an abrogation of the values that true conservatives espouse.

Going further, Mr. Tom Husband has gone on record challenging you to substantiate that Mr. Haney used his office title to endorse or support any candidate in the Primary.  You have failed to provide such documentation, since there is none available.  NOTE:  No Precinct Committeeman or Party Elected Official is required to give up their Freedom of Speech rights in order to serve.

We are surprised about one thing you allege Mr. Haney did. For him to converse with you in a pleasant manner is more than you deserved.  Maybe that is due to the fact he was not surprised at your baseless charges considering your actions since you stumbled out into the political arena in an obvious effort to promote yourself.

You can be comforted by the fact that your actions will not be laid at the feet of the Tea Party. No one of import has looked at you as a bonafide representative of the Tea Party for many months. 

We are especially mindful of the fact that this attack comes less than 24 hours prior to the Statutory Meeting.  Exactly how much are you under the influence of the RINO/Chamber functionaries - as much as Ms Bolick, who raised much of her campaign funds from that particular group?

If you are going play politics, you should at least learn the basics of the game before you try your hand at intrigue.