Tuesday, November 23, 2010

TSA Methods Will Kill More Americans on Highway

The recent public ire toward the TSA’s new pat-down and body imaging screening methods is likely to lead to a spike in car-related deaths that will be far larger than any plane-related safety benefits.

As the nation readies for one of the busiest traveling holidays, Steven Horwitz, a professor of economics at St. Lawrence University, states that the probable spike in road travel, caused by adverse feelings towards the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) new screening procedures, would lead to more car-related deaths.  

Car-related accidents now account for 115 deaths EVERY DAY in the United States.  That is comparable to the crash of one commuter airliner daily!

“Driving is much more dangerous than flying, as you are far more likely to be killed in an automobile accident mile-for-mile than you are in an airplane,” said Horwitz. “The result will be that the new TSA procedures will kill more Americans on the highway.”

Clifford Winston, a senior fellow of economic studies at the Brookings Institute, said that the airline industry will definitely see a decline in passengers if the public’s contempt for the pat-downs and advanced-imaging technology systems continues.

Anecdotally, a friend of ours who usually flies for family and personal reasons once every couple of months, has already made the decision to not fly as long as these procedures are in place.

So, we will have a negative impact on our economy AND we will end up killing more Americans. Sounds like a success story for the Soros, Obama, Napolitano Progressive Communists. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Obama Speak at Work

"One of the most frustrating aspects of this fight against terrorism is that it has created a whole security apparatus around us that causes a huge inconvenience for ALL of us,"   -BHO

We have missed the photo ops of the First Family going through the TSA Groping.  We do not ever want to see the naked scans of B. Hussein, Michelle or their Progeny.  That would probably make us go instantly blind.

This embarrassingly stupid assertion goes along with his call for redistribution of wealth - except for him and his friends and his call for a reduced carbon footprint - except for him and his friends.

His narcissistic, irrational policies - especially when implemented by Nappy - really does call for a law that requires the people who institute public policy to have to be the first to use it. 

What a crock, Barack!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Shellacked at home
then Shellacked abroad

It appears that the President has failed in his billion dollar mission to restore his tarnished image.  On November 2, the policies of Barack Hussein were repudiated by his foster countrymen with a thorough shellacking at the ballot box.  Americans made the right choice in turning out nearly seventy Democrat Congressmen along with the governors of almost all of the midwestern states plus a few more for good measure.

For comfort and reactualization of his ID, Barack Hussein returned to his boyhood homeland.  To his dismay, this journey became the location of his second shellacking in two weeks at the hands of his muslim, sino and european friends.

Sometimes a boy just doesn't know where to turn for repair to his ego.  Maybe he should try the country that calls him their son - Kenya.  It may prove once again that all of life is a circle.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Procrastination will only make the problem worse

Arizona is 900 million dollars in the hole and getting deeper. Our General Fund revenues are about a 100 million dollars a month less than our expenditures. That is about 25 million a week. What that means is the legislature needs to come in NOW and reduce the budget by at least 1.5 billion dollars.

Every day agencies are spending money we don't have. The longer we wait to do the cuts, the less money there will be to fix the problem.  We have agencies that are still bloated with administrators and managers.  We have agencies that were created in good economic times that are duplications of other layers of government or intrude into areas previously handled well by private industry .

Arizona needs to put a five year moratorium on any new regulation by state and local government that restricts business. This moratorium needs to retroactively include many state, county and local regulations that were conceived as hidden tax raising schemes on Arizona businesses and homeowners over the last decade.  All regulations not directly addressing health and safety, that restricts home businesses need to be eliminated.

It is better to see street signs trying to attract customers into a business or store than all these empty storefronts and office buildings. It is better to have someone running a business out of their house than have all these empty foreclosures and "For Sale" signs up and down every street.

City ordinances that require developers to establish an HOA on all new developments need to be rescinded and current property owners need the ability to rescind their current HOA status.  Government must get out of the way if we are to get our economy growing again.

Waiting only makes it worse.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Deja Vu
Goddard Spoils Hess Victory

Growing Our Party has just been informed that Tery Goddard has joined Matt Salmon on the Barry Hess Wall of Infamy for preventing Herr Hess being elected as Arizona Governor! 

Hess is actually gaining ground.  His percentage has grown from 1.67% to 2.16% in the last eight years. 

Check back in 2092 to see if he finally reaches viability.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Conservative Republicans
Continue Sweep

Arizona Senate Leadership:
Russell Pearce - President 
Scott Bundgaard - Majority Leader
Steve Pierce - Majority Whip

Arizona House Leadership:
Kirk Adams - Speaker
Andy Tobin - Majority Leader
Debbie Lesko - Majority Whip

Republicans Score HUGE Gains across America in State Legislatures

Based on unofficial, preliminary returns, legislative chambers that have switched so far are:

§ Alabama House and Senate
§ Arizona House & Senate - Veto Proof
§ Colorado House
§ Indiana House
§ Iowa House
§ Maine House and Senate
§ Michigan House
§ Minnesota House and Senate
§ Montana House
§ New Hampshire House and Senate
§ New York Senate
§ North Carolina House and Senate
§ Ohio House
§ Oregon Tied in both Senate and House
§ Pennsylvania House
§ Washington Senate
§ Wisconsin Assembly and Senate

§ Republicans gained at least 680 State Legislature seats on Tuesday, the largest gain by either party since 1966, surpassing Democratic gains in the post-Watergate election of 1974.

§ The North Carolina Senate is now in Republican control for the first time since 1870.

§ The Minnesota Senate, which held nonpartisan elections until 1974, is under Republican control for the first time.

§ The Alabama legislature is under Republican control for the first time since Reconstruction.

The Texas and Tennessee Houses went from virtually tied to massive Republican gains. The gains in Texas were so big that the Republicans no longer need the Democrats to get state constitutional amendments out of the state legislature.

These gains go all the way down to the municipal level across the nation. That did not happen even in 1994.

This was a tsunami of Epic Proportions!  Now the work begins!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dems Trail Badly
In Early Returns

Florida:  Early votingis over and it looks terrible for the Democrats.  Here is the updated chart:

Party        2010           2008            2006
Dem        36.5%        45.6%         43.6%
Ind          14.3%        17.1%         15.4%
Rep         49.2%        37.3%         41.0%

Yes, you’re reading that right.
GOP outperforming 2008 by 12 points.

Already, 2.2 million votes have been cast — perhaps not half of what will be cast overall, but not too far from it. And bear in mind, this is a state with 4.6 million registered Democrats and only 4 million registered Republicans (plus 2.2 million independents). Something big might be happening down there — it’s at least clear that the state GOP has been working on its early vote operation.

Not fatal, but not good news for Alex Sink, the Democratic nominee in the close governor’s race. Also not good news for Democratic Reps. Alan Grayson, Suzanne Kosmas, Ron Klein, or Allen Boyd. Nor for Joe Garcia, the Democratic nominee for the open 25th Congressional District in South Florida.

Pennsylvania: The latest absentee ballot statistics released show a strong Republican tilt in the Keystone State where 53,226 (59%) absentee ballots have been returned by registered Republicans compared with 37,631 (41%) by registered Democrats.

Worse still for Democrats, the enthusiasm gap pollsters have predicted appears to be coming true. So far, Democrats have returned 55% of the absentee ballots they requested. Republicans have returned 67%.

Nevada: In Democratic Clark County, Republicans UP 13 points from a 22-point Democratic advantage in 2008. In Reno's Washoe County, Republicans UP 18 points from a 12-point Democrat advantage in 2008.

Colorado:  Republican over Democrat early returns by 61,500 this year, where Democrats were up over Republicans in 2008 by 25,000 early ballots.  That is a swing of over 86,500 to the GOP!