Sunday, August 1, 2010

New poll on SB1070 and other facts
There is a new poll that we can pretty much guarantee will not be the subject of a news article in the Republic. As we go to press there is a poll on Arizona Central about the image of Arizona as a result of SB1070.
The results will not shock anyone but the Republic itself which has an article today headlined -- Amid immigration conflict, Arizona's image takes a beating
Well it seems even its dwindling readership disagrees.
62.25% Arizona's image is ENHANCED
25.83% Arizona's image is damaged, and
11% who are brain dead
We encourage you to participate in the poll
Even the Republic had to acknowledge in its yellow sheet article that a MAJORITY of the "protesters" here this week were paid SEIU Union Obama supporters bused in from Los Angeles. PS: Thanks for contributing to our economy with food, lodging and bail money!
When two Mexican flag waving law breakers interrupted a Diamondbacks game yesterday, the stands broke out in chants of USA, USA, USA in support of our stand.
All the opponents, including the Chambers who support illegals for the cheap labor, warned, with slashing of wrists, that the tourism industry would suffer dire consequences due to SB1070, and now we have the facts from the Hotel Industry that Arizona is alone in America with a 10.7% INCREASE in hotel guests compared to last year. It appears that the boycott funded with union funds has turned into a buycott with NO mega bucks support.

The Republic article states the followng: And from outside the state, the portrayals have been scathing. The reality is that according to Rasmussen Reports, 66% of American voters support their state passing a law similar to SB1070.

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