Tuesday, September 21, 2010


This past Friday, Senator Lisa Murkowski announced plans seek re-election as a write-in candidate in Alaska.

This past weekend, Lisa Murkowski attacked Sen. Jim DeMint for working against her, stating "I don't think that's it's particularly helpful to undercut fellow Republicans." This might be a fair criticism if she weren't the one running a write-in campaign against Republican nominee in her state.

The moderates and RINO liberals love to lecture conservatives about how we need to support liberal candidates to "expand the tent" and win seats for Republicans. But when these Republican-in-name-only ("RINO") lose their primaries, many leave the party and join the opposition. Lisa Murkowski is the latest by following in the footsteps of Arlen Specter and Charlie Crist.

Murkowski's betrayal provides more proof that big-tent hypocrites don't really care about winning a majority for Republicans. Conservative candidates are in it for their country while too many RINO's seek office for personal status and power.

Murkowski supported a massive cap-and-trade energy tax that would permanently destroy millions of jobs in this country. Murkowski has waffled on whether she would support repeal of Obama's health care take over. Murkowski is one of the worst abusers of the pay-to-play earmarks system. And Murkowski doesn't support the sanctity of human life.

With positions like these that are in direct conflict with the Republican Party Platform, it's no surprise Murkowski and other liberal RINO's are leaving the party. We are glad that they are leaving and only wish that they would take the other RINO's with them.

As long as we have Republican elected officials advocating higher taxes, bigger and more intrusive government, and other issues in direct conflict with our Constitution, the collateral damage to our stature with the population at large will serve to damage our ability to return America to the Founding Principles.

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