Monday, October 25, 2010

One week to determine
The rest of your life

It may seem overly dramatic, but the headline tells it all.  What is accomplished in the next seven days will have a dramatic impact on the rest of your life! 

If you think that is over-the-top, consider the following rights you may lose on November 2:

Your right to choose your own doctor and participate in your health decisions

Your right send your child to the school of your choice

Your right to buy the vehicle that meets the needs of your family

Your rights as a parent to nurture and discipline your children

Your right to worship where Biblical principles are not censored by the government

Your right to a secret ballot in elections

Your right to speak the truth without being imprisoned for hate speech

How important are your rights? 

Important enough to take a vacation day and spend it calling undecided voters with the facts?   

Important enough to participate in encouraging conservatives how paramount it is that they place their early ballots in the mail no later than Wednesday - only two days from now?

Look at the short list above again and ask yourself how important is it to make sure you keep those - and hundreds more - rights!

What you do in the next few hours may well determine the course your children and grandchildren will have to travel in their future.

How important is that to them?

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