Monday, March 8, 2010

You're judged by your friends

This simple truth has been passed down by parents to their children since the beginning of time. Now, however, Shawna Bolick wants everyone to believe that applies to everyone in the world - except her. That is not only ridiculous, it is so crazy as to question her qualifications to serve in any elected office.

Mrs. Bolick's fundraiser contains the names of power brokers that have made millions using illegal workers in their companies. Her list contains the names of illegal immigration sympathizers who supported Tony Bouie two years ago. Also listed are those who believe in open borders and fought Prop. 200, the Sanctuary City bill and contributed funds used for personal attacks on both Sen. Russell Pearce and Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

These people do not host fundraisers and make large contributions to candidates who fight to protect American lives and American jobs with strong anti-illegal immigration legislation. We think that Mrs. Bolick protests too much in another blog.

Shawna, if you don't like the perception, change your friends.

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