Friday, March 19, 2010

And the McStain goes on

Today's news that 31 of our 53 Republican state legislators have endorsed John McCain is very disturbing to all conservative Arizona Republicans. Most of the names on the list do not raise eyebrows as this endorsement is consistent with their voting records.

However, the list includes many who portray themselves as conservatives. Some on the list rank at the top of the PAChyderm ratings and their endorsement of the senior senator is especially disappointing. Following are the names as listed on the McCain website:


President Pro Tempore Barbara Leff (LD11), Majority Whip Steve Pierce (LD1), Carolyn Allen (LD8), David Braswell (LD6), Linda Gray (LD10), John Nelson (LD12), Jay Tibshraeny (LD21), Frank Antenori (LD30), Ed Bunch (LD7).
Also listed are former Senators Jonathan Paton, Jim Waring, Robert Blendu, and Toni Hellon.

Speaker Kirk Adams (LD19), Majority Leader John McComish (LD20), Majority Whip Andy Tobin (LD1), Nancy Barto (LD7), Tom Boone (LD4), Steve Court (LD18), Rich Crandall (LD19), Adam Driggs (LD11), Doris Goodale (LD3), Laurin Hendrix (LD22), Russ Jones (LD24), Bill Konopnicki (LD5), Debbie Lesko (LD9), Lucy Mason (LD1), Steve Montenegro (LD12), Warde Nichols (LD21), Frank Pratt (LD23), Michele Reagan (LD8), Jerry Weiers (LD12), Vic Williams (LD26), Amanda Reeve (LD6), and Ted Vogt (LD30).

Many of these endorsements came before a viable alternative to McCain was in the race, but that justification does not excuse their endorsements of McCain. Staying neutral during that time was the better alternative.

It is time for them to show courage and withdraw their endorsement. To do less will leave their conservative records McStained for years to come.

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