"Missed me yet" - Part Two
You've seen the billboard of George Bush smiling asking the question "Missed Me Yet?". Well, here is one that brings back pleasant memories of days long ago when there was no NCLB, no KidsCare and no FOURTEEN TRILLION dollar debt.
You've seen the billboard of George Bush smiling asking the question "Missed Me Yet?". Well, here is one that brings back pleasant memories of days long ago when there was no NCLB, no KidsCare and no FOURTEEN TRILLION dollar debt.
BHO has just released his plan to change 'No Child Left Behind', the federal government's unconstitutional intervention in the education of our children. BHO would eliminate the NCLB requirement that every child reach proficiency in reading and math as "too Utopian".
BHO's replacement: that every child should graduate from high school ready for college and a career. That is not only Utopian, it is certifiably crazy.
Education Secretary puts it this way. "For the mass of schools we want to get rid of prescriptive interventions. We'll leave it up to them to figure out how to make progress."
Leaving it up to the administrators in district schools - whose only intent is in finding new ways to confiscate money from the parents of our students - to determine the definition of progress is absurd. To now say that we are not even going to try to hold them accountable for teaching basic skills but only require them to graduate the students will create a steroid effect on social advancement from one grade to the next. Remember, these are the people who have been given a 100% increase in funding over the last six years in order to turn out a worse product.
Maybe this is BHO's response to Joe the Plumber and all the other tradesmen who use their common sense to oppose his policies - Kill the skilled professionals who make our society run. I don't know about you, but when my sewer line is blocked, I am not looking for a Doctorate in Juris Prudence to clear the line with a legal brief.
"Missed Me Yet?" - George W.
BHO's replacement: that every child should graduate from high school ready for college and a career. That is not only Utopian, it is certifiably crazy.
Education Secretary puts it this way. "For the mass of schools we want to get rid of prescriptive interventions. We'll leave it up to them to figure out how to make progress."
Leaving it up to the administrators in district schools - whose only intent is in finding new ways to confiscate money from the parents of our students - to determine the definition of progress is absurd. To now say that we are not even going to try to hold them accountable for teaching basic skills but only require them to graduate the students will create a steroid effect on social advancement from one grade to the next. Remember, these are the people who have been given a 100% increase in funding over the last six years in order to turn out a worse product.
Maybe this is BHO's response to Joe the Plumber and all the other tradesmen who use their common sense to oppose his policies - Kill the skilled professionals who make our society run. I don't know about you, but when my sewer line is blocked, I am not looking for a Doctorate in Juris Prudence to clear the line with a legal brief.
"Missed Me Yet?" - George W.
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