Monday, March 29, 2010

For Crist's Sake

The events in Arizona this week point out the destructive and deadly results of the policies supported by Florida Governor Charlie Crist. Good Ol' Boy Charlie is a supporter of Comprehensive Immigration Reform, John McCain, and Barack Hussein Obama.

He appeared on Fox News Sunday that is hosted by Chris Wallace for the purposes of 'debating' with Marco Rubio. The 'debate' came down to Good Ol' Boy Charlie complaining that Rubio is not a conservative because of how much he pays for his haircut and them tries to prove his point by harping on some vote on some city board in another decade.

This was bad enough, but the Good Ol' Boy McObama supporter went from the ridiculous to the sublime by drawing some weird conclusion that the illegal immigrants in our country are somehow the same as his own grandparents who entered America legally through Ellis Island.

For Crist's sake, Charlie. That is somewhat akin to comparing a Circle K armed robber as being the same as the shoppers at Costco or Macy's. Your political philosophy is so far left that Johnny Mac does not have you on his list of out-of-state stars. Of course, that lack of loyalty speaks more about Johnny Mac than you. He expects loyalty from others, but gives none in return.

Charlie, more than a third of the felons in our state come from the "freedom loving undocumented workers who only came here to provide a good living for their families." HOGWASH! Law breakers continue to be law breakers and breed law breakers. Friendly, loving and patriotic citizens like Robert Krentz should be able to expect protection from this invasion.

PS: Do not expect Johnny to come to Tallahassee - for Crist's sake.

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