Tuesday, March 30, 2010
For most educrats, the answer is simple: money, money and more money. Over the last eight years, their demands have been met. The amount of revenue to the k-12 system has more than doubled over that span, while student population has increased at less than one-seventh that number.
What we need is professional fiscal restraint from conservative school boards. Unfortunately, there are very few conservative school boards because most conservatives do not want to run for an unpaid, local political office that provides little public recognition and many headaches. Conservatives have abandoned the schools to the liberals, who see it as a bastion for creating more liberals and running the type of government control of citizens they want. As a result, most of the volunteers in our schools that could/would run for the school boards don't have the fiscal or social responsibility to recognize the limits of government spending that must be in place for education.
We all wonder why so many different local taxes for school districts. Bonds, budget overrides, K-3 overrides, adjacent ways taxes, capital overrides, CTE taxes, career ladder taxes, desegregation taxes, and, until recently, excess utility taxes. Add on fees for band, art, music, drama, debate, science labs, and sports, plus a student activity "fee" for every kid, and before long, it is a lot of additional money out of the pockets for taxpayers beyond the State of Arizona taxes for education.
It is time to tighten our belts in education. We can no longer afford $200,000 a year for a superintendent. We cannot afford four or five associate superintendents. We certainly should not be spending an additional $20,000 a year for "supplemental" retirement for the highest paid employees in the school district (they already get funding for a liberal state retirement program). Why are we spending a $1,000 or more per month as a car allowance for selected school district employees? We would be better off just paying mileage rates for use of their cars for company business like everyone in the private sector does.
If you are thinking you may want to run for political office, consider the one office that daily directly affects more people than any other elected office - the governing board of your local school district. Get down to your local school and/or school district and get involved. Volunteer your services and prepare yourself to bring fiscal and social responsibility to our schools.
Stop the mad dash to spend more and more and create an academic atmosphere that encourages student achievement for all of our children.
Monday, March 29, 2010
The events in Arizona this week point out the destructive and deadly results of the policies supported by Florida Governor Charlie Crist. Good Ol' Boy Charlie is a supporter of Comprehensive Immigration Reform, John McCain, and Barack Hussein Obama.
He appeared on Fox News Sunday that is hosted by Chris Wallace for the purposes of 'debating' with Marco Rubio. The 'debate' came down to Good Ol' Boy Charlie complaining that Rubio is not a conservative because of how much he pays for his haircut and them tries to prove his point by harping on some vote on some city board in another decade.
This was bad enough, but the Good Ol' Boy McObama supporter went from the ridiculous to the sublime by drawing some weird conclusion that the illegal immigrants in our country are somehow the same as his own grandparents who entered America legally through Ellis Island.
For Crist's sake, Charlie. That is somewhat akin to comparing a Circle K armed robber as being the same as the shoppers at Costco or Macy's. Your political philosophy is so far left that Johnny Mac does not have you on his list of out-of-state stars. Of course, that lack of loyalty speaks more about Johnny Mac than you. He expects loyalty from others, but gives none in return.
Charlie, more than a third of the felons in our state come from the "freedom loving undocumented workers who only came here to provide a good living for their families." HOGWASH! Law breakers continue to be law breakers and breed law breakers. Friendly, loving and patriotic citizens like Robert Krentz should be able to expect protection from this invasion.
PS: Do not expect Johnny to come to Tallahassee - for Crist's sake.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" --Patrick Henry, to the Virginia Convention, March 23, 1775
This Date for History
"Is Party Loyalty so dear or political power so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Giving a personal endorsement to those who advocate positions contrary to the Constitution and give no value to our sovereignty will bring dire consequences to the very existence of our Republic. I do not know what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty and honor or give me death!" -- Growing Our Party, Blogosphere, March 23, 2010
Endorse synonyms:
advocate, approve, attest, certify, give one's word, guarantee, lend one's name to, praise, recommend, stand behind, vouch for
Saturday, March 20, 2010
According the an article in The Capitol Times, "Fast Eddie" Farnsworth misses playing around down at the Capitol. That is his right, of course.
Growing Our Party hopes that if he is elected, he will bring a new, more mature attitude to the Capitol that recognizes the fact that he did not build the playing field and he is not the player, umpire and scorekeeper.
Pragmatic Constitutional conservatives will be desperately needed in the next legislature. With the number of representatives leaving for one reason or another, Arizona will need legislators who have the business expertise as well as the knowledge of how the "system" works at 1700 W Washington.
We need conservatives who can build a consensus of 31 to improve life for Arizonans, not just lead the Parking Lot Caucus. "Fast Eddie" could make an enormous positive impact on what happens at the Capitol, but if he returns as Chief Obstructionist, he will do more harm than good.
We hope that the last two years have helped him gain a new perspective and, if so, we welcome him.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Comes to Arizona
On February 9, the Idaho House passed H0391, The Idaho Health Freedom Act, on a 52-18 vote. On March 11, the Idaho Senate passed this landmark legislation by a 24-10 vote and sent the bill to the Governor. On St. Patrick's Day, Idaho Governor Butch Otter signed the bill thus making Idaho the first state to make this protection of individual freedom state law. While Idaho became the first to pass the legislation into law, there are 37 other states that have similar legislation in the pipeline.
Today, Representative Judy Burges (R-LD4) announced that the provisions in the Idaho Health Freedom Act will become a keystone piece of legislation here in Arizona next week. "The threat to Arizonans with the attempt to nationalize health care by the Obama Administration cannot be stressed too strongly," stated Rep. Burges. "I will be sponsoring a strike-everything amendment to my HB2001 'I Didn't Pay Enough' bill that has already passed the House. I have been assured by leadership that the amended bill will be placed on the next Wednesday's Agenda the Senate Finance Committee, chaired by Sen. Jack Harper."
“AxTheTax” and Stop Prop 100 are proud to announce:
"Joe The Plumber" To Headline Rally
The rally is being held in response to the proposed 18% increase in the state sales tax that will be on the ballot for a vote on May 18th, 2010. The coalition has come together to fight an increase in taxes during this long and difficult recession.
The coalition is composed of various groups including: Ax The Tax – No on 100, the Arizona Chapter of Americans for Prosperity, National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the Arizona Free Enterprise Club, the 2010 Project, the North Phoenix Tea Party, Mesa Tea Party, East Valley Tea Party Patriots and the PAChyderm Coalition.
With Arizona’s economy already in trouble, unemployment at critical levels, and consumer spending down from a few years ago, raising the sales tax during this recession is an unwise choice that will only make things worse. Arizona’s budget solution should be to restore the size of the budget to a prudent and responsible amount.
Along with Joe the Plumber, the rally will feature prominent speakers from the sponsoring groups. This event is free and open to the public.
Today's news that 31 of our 53 Republican state legislators have endorsed John McCain is very disturbing to all conservative Arizona Republicans. Most of the names on the list do not raise eyebrows as this endorsement is consistent with their voting records.
However, the list includes many who portray themselves as conservatives. Some on the list rank at the top of the PAChyderm ratings and their endorsement of the senior senator is especially disappointing. Following are the names as listed on the McCain website:
President Pro Tempore Barbara Leff (LD11), Majority Whip Steve Pierce (LD1), Carolyn Allen (LD8), David Braswell (LD6), Linda Gray (LD10), John Nelson (LD12), Jay Tibshraeny (LD21), Frank Antenori (LD30), Ed Bunch (LD7).
Also listed are former Senators Jonathan Paton, Jim Waring, Robert Blendu, and Toni Hellon.
Speaker Kirk Adams (LD19), Majority Leader John McComish (LD20), Majority Whip Andy Tobin (LD1), Nancy Barto (LD7), Tom Boone (LD4), Steve Court (LD18), Rich Crandall (LD19), Adam Driggs (LD11), Doris Goodale (LD3), Laurin Hendrix (LD22), Russ Jones (LD24), Bill Konopnicki (LD5), Debbie Lesko (LD9), Lucy Mason (LD1), Steve Montenegro (LD12), Warde Nichols (LD21), Frank Pratt (LD23), Michele Reagan (LD8), Jerry Weiers (LD12), Vic Williams (LD26), Amanda Reeve (LD6), and Ted Vogt (LD30).
Many of these endorsements came before a viable alternative to McCain was in the race, but that justification does not excuse their endorsements of McCain. Staying neutral during that time was the better alternative.
It is time for them to show courage and withdraw their endorsement. To do less will leave their conservative records McStained for years to come.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Last night, the PAChyderm Coalition announced their first listing of endorsements for 2010. This is a partial list, and the organization will have additional endorsements announced in coming meetings.
The current list of endorsees are:
Treasurer: Thayer Verschoor
LD4 Scott Bundgaard
LD5 Sylvia Allen
LD6 Lori Klein
LD18 Russell Pearce
LD 19 James Molina
LD4 Judy Burges; Jack Harper
LD6 Carl Seel
LD9 Diane Douglas
LD10 Jim Weiers
LD22 Laurin Hendrix
We want to thank one of our anonymous commenters for pointing us to this important study just released last week.
The following conclusions come the report by Adam B. Schaeffer who is a policy analyst with Cato's Center for Educational Freedom.
In Phoenix, the average real per-pupil spending figure of $11,800 is 27 percent higher than the average $9,300 the Phoenix districts claim to spend. In addition, real public school spending is more than 75 percent higher than the estimated median private school spending of just $6,770.
Paradise Valley ($12,231) and Cave Creek ($13,929) real spending per pupil are 82% and 106% higher than the average real spending for private schools in our area. There are real unethical - if not illegal - discrepancies from the annual report figures provided to the Department of Education and their own internal reports.
This blatant under-reporting by the school districts to the Department of Education should be looked at by the Auditor General, the legislature and, possibly, the County Attorney. In the meantime, it is important that you refer your friends, neighbors, family and co-workers to this report.
Lets look at PVUSD, for example.
Published pre-K–12 per-pupil spending is 2009 All Funds Expenditure per Pupil, from “Summary of School District Annual Financial Report,” provided by e-mail from Vanessa Shapiro, Paradise Valley Unified School District, November 13, 2009, http://cmweb.pvschools.net/siteweb/pdfs/BudgetSummary0910.pdf.
$9,883 Per Pupil Spending
Real FY2009 budgeted pre-K–12 expenditures calculated as the sum of all accounting funds from “Summary of School District Proposed Expenditure Budget,” p. 2, http://cmweb.pvschools.net/siteweb/pdfs/BudgetSummary0910.pdf.
$12,312 Per Pupil Spending
Vote NO on the 18% sales tax increase.
The governor says 75% of this tax increase will go to public schools already over-funded and under-reporting how much the taxpayers are being gouged.
Vote NO on Prop 100.
Monday, March 15, 2010

You've seen the billboard of George Bush smiling asking the question "Missed Me Yet?". Well, here is one that brings back pleasant memories of days long ago when there was no NCLB, no KidsCare and no FOURTEEN TRILLION dollar debt.
BHO's replacement: that every child should graduate from high school ready for college and a career. That is not only Utopian, it is certifiably crazy.
Education Secretary puts it this way. "For the mass of schools we want to get rid of prescriptive interventions. We'll leave it up to them to figure out how to make progress."
Leaving it up to the administrators in district schools - whose only intent is in finding new ways to confiscate money from the parents of our students - to determine the definition of progress is absurd. To now say that we are not even going to try to hold them accountable for teaching basic skills but only require them to graduate the students will create a steroid effect on social advancement from one grade to the next. Remember, these are the people who have been given a 100% increase in funding over the last six years in order to turn out a worse product.
Maybe this is BHO's response to Joe the Plumber and all the other tradesmen who use their common sense to oppose his policies - Kill the skilled professionals who make our society run. I don't know about you, but when my sewer line is blocked, I am not looking for a Doctorate in Juris Prudence to clear the line with a legal brief.
"Missed Me Yet?" - George W.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
A Republican is a citizen legally entitled to vote who checks a box on a registration form that is designated "Republican". That is all it takes to become a Republican.
The bigger question is what is the Republican Party and what does it stand for. That question is answered every four years at the National Convention when the delegates enact the Party Platform. These delegates are elected in a bottom-up process. Republicans in every voting precinct elect delegates to the county convention. Each county convention elects delegates to the state convention where the delegates to the national convention are selected. The national delegates write and approve the Party Platform that sets the standards for the Party principles.
Just as within your church or within your neighborhood or community service organization, there are those who do not abide by the agreed creed, manual or rules. The Republican Party has many who have agreed to join the organization for selfish reasons - mostly to get the benefits of being in the majority party. Their actions many times run counter to the interests of the Party as a whole and their actions are used by outsiders to ridicule the party as being hypocritical.
In fact, a majority of the Republican Party has maintained the Reagan Constitutional, conservative, free enterprise, American sovereignty, states rights, smaller government tenets clearly detailed within the current Repubican Party Platform.
Controversy becomes the rule when people who have identified themselved as Republicans rise in the political system to be "leaders" within the Party and then govern in complete violation of the very principles they said they believed in when checking the box "Republican." Growing Our Party is ashamed to admit that the last three large tax increases have been foisted on Arizonans by Republican governors - Hull and Brewer. Their actions are Democratic.
Let us be clear, the controversy within the Republican Party does not come from upholding the party principles, it comes from those who want to violate those principles with impunity. Their continued efforts to destroy those who support the Platform are the same blame-game tactics used in every other area of society by those who don't want to follow the rules.
When Republican presidents, governors, congressmen and legislators push for Kids Care, All Day Kindergarten, Amnesty, No Child Left Behind, Sales Tax Increases, Budget Overrides, Career Ladders, and Science Foundation programs and fight against unbridled First Amendment and Second Amendment protections, parental choice in education, smaller government and lower taxes, they place themselves in a special category. That category is Repubican In Name Only (RINO).
Their complaints that they are being treated badly by Republicans who believe in and uphold the Party Platform principles are unjustified and speaks to their lack of character. If they do not want to be referred to as RINOs they should come into compliance with the principles in the Platform and they will no longer carry the stigma of being a RINO. Until then . . .
Monday, March 8, 2010
This simple truth has been passed down by parents to their children since the beginning of time. Now, however, Shawna Bolick wants everyone to believe that applies to everyone in the world - except her. That is not only ridiculous, it is so crazy as to question her qualifications to serve in any elected office.
Mrs. Bolick's fundraiser contains the names of power brokers that have made millions using illegal workers in their companies. Her list contains the names of illegal immigration sympathizers who supported Tony Bouie two years ago. Also listed are those who believe in open borders and fought Prop. 200, the Sanctuary City bill and contributed funds used for personal attacks on both Sen. Russell Pearce and Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
These people do not host fundraisers and make large contributions to candidates who fight to protect American lives and American jobs with strong anti-illegal immigration legislation. We think that Mrs. Bolick protests too much in another blog.
Shawna, if you don't like the perception, change your friends.
What do your enemies say?
"Rahm Emanuel is the son of the Devil's spawn. He is an individual who would sell his mother for a vote. He would strap his children to the front of a steam locomotive." - Democrat Congressman Eric Massa
Emanuel takes the seamy underside of Chicago politics to an all-time low. It is unprecedented for a Presidential Chief of Staff to confront a Congressman in the Congressional Shower while nude. Gives a whole new meaning to naked power.
Everyone knows that Arizonans have had too many Washington Rent-a-Jo(h)ns in recent history. This year we have the chance to send two of them back to the shop for cleaning and permanent retirement. That would be a definite plus for our environment.
However, we have a new John in the House that works with the water from a conservative spring. John Kavanagh is the Appropriations Chair in the Arizona House of Representatives who is standing in the way of a bill that would be a tax increase for every household that can still afford a motor vehicle.
Rep. Russ Jones, one of the most liberal members that Reagan Republicans have to contend with on nearly every issue, has introduced a bill that would place a $12.00 new tax annually on every privately owned vehicle in the state. That new tax would be split - with $9.00 going directly to the State Parks Department and $3.00 going to the Department of Transportation to administer the program. Rep. Jones states he has the votes to ram this tax increase over the top of conservative republicans if he can get it to the floor.
Rep. Kavanagh, the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, has places a huge roadblock to Jones' plan to increase taxes by another $25,000,000.00 every year. The Reagan conservative John has refused to hear the bill in his committee and has refused to have the bill released from his control. This bad bill is espcially offensive as it would disproportionately impact our seniors on fixed incomes and our neighbors who have just lost their jobs in this recession caused by government excesses.
Take a minute, contact Rep. Kavanagh's office and thank him for protecting you from another politically correct, big government tax grab. His e-mail address is: jkavanagh@azleg.gov. If you want to express your opposition to Rep. Jones' continued support of big government, you can contact him at: rjones@azleg.gov.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
You are doomed to repeat it.
Today we received new projections from the Congressional Budget Office that the White House estimates of an $8.6 TRILLION increase in debt in the next ten years is wrong. They go on to say that the Harry Reid "good news" of people losing their jobs is just the beginning. Their 'bottom line' is that the out of control progressive policies will increase spending to the point that we will actually accumulate at least $9.8 TRILLION in new debt over that time period.
Other than the mere mountain of federal government debt, why is that significant? Economists are now in agreement that this will be the result: deficits of that size will be unsustainable, that they will create an upward spiral in interest rates, crowd out private investment in the economy, and erode the nation's standard of living.
It is interesting to note that the recession of 1920 started out much worse than the recession of 1930. The 1920 recession was short lived because government cut spending and cut tax rates while the 1930 recession evolved into The Great Depression because a progressive government increased spending and increased taxes.
At this time, the Obama Administration is following the failed policies that brought us The Great Depression. We must rise up against the policies being promulgated in Washington or we and our children will surely experience The Great Depression II.
"for the children", or for themselves?
In this day and age, when families are facing tremendous financial crises, some school districts want to increase spending at a rate that is 50% more than ever in history. How does that answer the question above?
On average, 89% of all k-12 M and O budgets go directly into salaries. For example, Deer Valley Unified is one of a very few districts that is proposing a 15% Override. That will result in an additional tax grab of $24 million dollars, and $21 million of that money will go directly into the pockets of the teachers, et al. Teachers already make more than 50% each year above that of the average worker in Arizona, yet they pressure you to mortgage your home with an additional tax lien that will last for the next seven years.
Since 2001, Deer Valley has used this override scam to collect an additional $1 BILLION OVER AND ABOVE the funding from regular state general fund and local property taxes. It is important to remember that the latter appropriated funds have themselves seen increases that doubled the cost to YOU since 2003.
Deer Valley's situation is even more incongruous. The people leading the campaign for this tax grab include: a teacher that is 'double dipping' by taking retirement checks from the taxpayer supported retirement system AND continuing her career at full pay in the same position she had when she 'retired' at taxpayer expense; a former education administrator who lives in Sun City and pays NO education taxes; and the current Superintendent who will not face increased taxes on her home because she lives in the Cave Creek school district where every override attempt has failed miserably. In addition, she is another 'double dipper' who takes over $300,000 annually from the system.
The Arizona Education Association - the teacher union - decries the 'destruction' of district schools when, in fact, they have more money than ever - even when inflation adjusted on a per pupil basis. Teachers and administrators need to spend as much time advocating reforms that will improve the learning outcomes for the students as they do padding their pockets. That would be the best news possible for parents and employers alike.
In the meantime, never forget that teachers pushing for taxpayer funds are doing what the scam artists do at freeway on-ramps. They are playing on your emotions and manipulating your compassionate concern for others, except teachers want to confiscate the money from everyone, not just charity from the willing. Worse, they are balckmailing you using the welfare of your children to bilk you out of the money you need to keep your family financially secure.
People are losing their homes to the tax man and thousands of other Arizona state workers are being laid off just so the educational elites can make more money. They should be ashamed - but they have lost that endearing attribute many decades ago.
We call on you to vote NO on your early ballots and at the polls on March 9.
Friday, March 5, 2010
sometimes known as Payday (GOOD) or PinkSlip Day (BAD).
Here in this favored land the sun is shining bright , the birds outside the windows are singing oh-so light;
But things are not so cheery for the many unemployed, the hardships they are enduring should never be enjoyed;
But in the heart of Harry Reid there is a new refrain, he chirps that these are good times, as if each life should have some rain;
Harry wants America to have a cold progressive night; we think it's time for Harry to return home to Searchlight .
Click here to see if today is a good day for American workers.
The 9.7% unemployment rate is really +20% when you include the following important data:
Number of people unemployed more than six months - 6.1 million - they don't count as unemployed
Number of people working part-time who are seeking full-time - 6.2 million - they don't count as unemployed
As we all know the economy last year was horrible. Obama instituted the stimulus package to improve the employment picture. How's it working?
Overall, non-farm payrolls declined in February for the 25th time in 26 months. How about specific key industries?
Let's compare Feb '10 to Feb '09
Construction ---- down 15%
Mining ---- down 10%
Durable Goods Mfg. ---- down 10%
Non-durable Goods Mfg. ---- down 5%
Financial ---- down 4%
Retail Sales ---- down 3%
What's wrong with this picture? The only areas of growth occurred where the money was taken from the taxpayer without approval. The Education industry - it truly has evolved into an industry from what was a service - cries it is being destroyed when it is the only large sector outside of the federal government that continues to grow.
In Arizona, funding for the education industry continues to grow at an alarming rate. State funding for this sector - k-12, colleges and universities - now exceeds the total state tax revenues. That sounds impossible, but true.
We are paying for all the rest of state government by borrowing, fund sweeps and accounting gimmicks. The school unions continue to cry for more money for an industry that has seen unprecedented increases in funding this last decade. Meanwhile, the state is incurring debt that the children of the children currently in their charge will have to pay off.
It's Time to say NO in May to more taxes, NO next week to more overrides and NO anytime to more debt.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Today the Arizona Republic ran an article with the apologists for the public schools once again telling everyone that all the problems in the system are the fault of the legislature. The direct collusion between the media and the education community has become so commonplace that it is no longer a matter that even raises eyebrows.
Growing Our Party will not allow this misinformation and intentional series of lies and distortions to go unanswered. The Republic runs a state and local section front page story every Sunday disseminating the propaganda of the progressives who support the corruption and Ponzi schemes in the school districts. Growing Our Party will be doing a series of stories on public school finances that will expose the AEA scheme.
Growing Our Party asks you to comment on stories printed in the media that are misleading pieces of propaganda. We need to vote NO on the overrides as a first step to returning fiscal sanity to our schools and bringing us closer to actually owning our homes without the onerous threat of the tax man.
The bottom line is that we are over taxed and yet the establishment has found a way to overspend the billions of additional dollars that have been confiscated from "We the People".
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Growing our Party has been out of the political game for awhile, but many felt it was important that this publication return to the playing field. Our writers include grass roots activists and political insiders from around the state to give you fresh perspectives during this critical election year in Arizona. We are grateful for the heritage of our predecessors and plan to present a common sense Constitutional message.
As the unofficial Blog for the PAChyderm Coalition, we will present positive alternatives to both the status quo AND the Progressive movement. We will write on all levels of government from the volunteer school/fire/water boards to the President of the United States.
Please feel free to comment, however, we will not be a conduit for personal attacks or progressive propaganda. Comments that are considered out of bounds will be moderated.
Again, thanks for taking your valuable time to read our thoughts.