Tuesday, September 28, 2010

AZRTL PAC Decision
Harms Pro-Life Agenda

Once again, the Arizona Right to Life Political Action Committee (AZRTL PAC) has shot the Pro-Life agenda in the head with confounding endorsements - or lack thereof.  Earlier this summer, the AZRTL PAC sold out to money interests by endorsing a candidate with a checkered record over a candidate with a 100% Pro-Life voting record.  Nearly all of the grass roots pro-life, pro-family Reagan conservatives felt that decision was not only irresponsible, it was likely to result in further federal pro-abortion actions.  Since this decision had such heinous possibilities to the unborn, many Pro-Life adherents protested the wrong headed decision with phone calls and e-mails but the PAC board chaired by Walt Opaska followed the orders of John Jakubczyk and his financial boss.  This bad decision caused such a rift that members of the AZRTL PAC Board resigned their position.

Today, the AZRTL PAC has compounded that bad decision.  AZRTL PAC released its endorsements for the General Election and has refused to endorse Tom Horne, who, according to their own press release "has publicly pledged to vigorously enforce and defend all pro-life laws and while in legislature, he voted to ban partial birth abortion (HB 2113 4/8/97) and supported a parental consent law (SB 1238 2/23/00). Democrat candidate Felecia Rotellini has refused to answer our questions regarding her position on abortion but is strongly supported by Sam Coppersmith, abortion provider Planned Parenthood, and the pro-abortion groups Emily's List and Arizona's List."

Growing Our Party takes a back seat to no one in support of Life and supports stringent standards for candidate endorsements.  For AZRTL PAC to refuse to endorse a candidate who has grown in his understanding of Pro-Life issues over many, many years, who has a record of supporting parental consent and banning partial birth abortion in the state legislature, who has NO history of taking any position against Life issues in the last decade, and who pledges to vigorously enforce and defend all pro-life laws when the opponent is one of the most radical pro-abortion candidates for the chief law enforcement for the state in recent history is irrational and could result in the loss of innocent life here in Arizona.

Growing Our Party endorsed Andy Thomas in the Primary because we believed him to be stronger on this issue than Mr.  Horne.  However, the Primary is over and we have to decide who is the better pro-life candidate placed before the voters on the General Election ballot.  There can be no doubt that Tom Horne is that person and that he is deserving of the AZRTL PAC endorsement.

Therefore, we call on AZRTL PAC to make a principled decision by reverse this decision and protect life by endorsing the candidacy of Tom Horne in this General Election. 
Paine -
The Right Medicine

"Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer." --Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

The Progressives/Liberals/Socialists that are in control of our federal government and are trying to take charge of our state and local governments continually denigrate the words of our founders as out of touch with the modern world.

The fact is that the words found in the Declaration of Independence as well as the Constitution, buttressed with the wise statements of leaders like Thomas Paine, Poor Richard, Ben Franklin and others are timeless. 

Now we need to identify and elect leaders that will implement their words by placing the common good above personal interests.

Early ballots will be mailed out next week.  Be informed and make sure you are the Town Crier, educating your family, friends and neighbors before they vote. 
The Right Medicine

"Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer." --Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

This simple statement says everything we need to know about the impact of government intrusion into our daily lives.  

The Progressives (Liberals/Socialists/Communists) propound that the words of our founders establishing the cornerstone foundations of life, liberty and property are not applicable in this modern era. 

These words, as well as those in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution are timeless.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A LARGE Memo to
RINOs and other 'Moderates'

Dear Republican Moderates and RINOs:

Is is well past time for you to STOP demanding Party Unity for RINO and Moderate Primary winners from the grass roots conservatives until you start practicing Party Unity for Conservative primary winners.  The jig is up and it is now being noticed by the national news that you have practiced a one-way policy.

While the problem has been consistent for many, many years, this year has seen the most egregious actions by your ilk.  The actions of Crist, Castle, Murkowski have been the most open, but not the only cases where the establishment RINO/Mods have gone out of their way to try to defeat the conservative winner in the Primary. 

Neil Cavuto started his program today with a nursery of crying babies and split screened Crist, Castle and Murkowski with the crybabies for illustration.  Quite appropriate!!!

For further documentation, we reprint the following article:
Party unity is for the wing nuts  
By: Timothy P. Carney
Senior Examiner Columnist   09/22/10 5:45 PM EDT

In light of Tea Party candidate Ovide Lamontagne stumping for establishment candidate Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire after Ayotte beat Lamontagne in the primary, here’s a brief history of recent moments in party loyalty and disloyalty in the GOP, off the top of my head:

1994, GOP nominates conservative Ollie North for Senate. Moderate Sen. John Warner, in response, recruited independent Marshall Coleman to run, and Coleman took enough votes from North so that Chuck Robb (D) held on and won with less than 50%.

2001, conservative Bret Schundler pulls off an upset in the gubernatorial primary, beating Bob Franks, and the establishment leaves him out to dry and lose badly to Jim McGreevey.

2004, Rick Santorum and George W. Bush go to the mat to save liberal Sen. Arlen Specter from a primary challenge by conservative Sen. Pat Toomey. Bush appears at a rally for Specter, and Santorum cuts multiple TV ads for him. Specter wins narrowly, and Toomey endorses him. Specter then doesn’t show at a Bush-Cheney rally in the fall, and Bush loses Pennsylvania. After the election, Specter warns Bush not to send any anti-Roe justices his way.

2006, conservative Tim Walberg defeats liberal Rep. Joe Schwarz in the GOP primary in Michigan.  In 2008, Schwarz endorses the Democratic nominee, who wins.

2008, conservative Andy Harris knocks off liberal Rep. Wayne Gilchrest in the GOP primary. Gilchrest then endorses the Democratic nominee, who beats Harris.

2009, GOP operatives choose liberal Dede Scozzfava to run in a special election. Conservative forces get behind independent Doug Hoffman. When Scozzafava's support collapses in the polls, she drops out and endorses the Democrat, who wins.

2009, Pat Toomey again challenges Sen. Arlen Specter in the GOP primary. When polls show Specter badly losing, he switches to run as a Democrat. When Specter loses his primary to liberal Democrat Joe Sestak, he warmly endorses Sestak.

2010, Sen. Lisa Murkowski loses her Senate primary to Joe Miller. Murkowski runs as a write-in.

2010, liberal Gov. Charlie Crist, with the backing of the GOP establishment, still falls behind conservative Marco Rubio in the polls. Crist runs as an independent.

2010, liberal Rep. Mike Castle loses his primary to conservative Christine O’Donnell. Castle refuses to endorse.

Noticing a pattern? The pattern is this: party loyalty is a lie used to make conservatives more obedient.

Party Unity will only occur when all sections of "The Big Tent" stay in the tent regardless of Primary election outcomes.

UPDATE 9-23 7PM:


See the above call re: Party Unity - something these roaches have personally demanded when they were the candidates who won primaries!!
Obamacare is even worse than critics thought
Washington Examiner Editorial September 22, 2010

Six months ago, President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rammed Obamacare down the throats of an unwilling American public.

Half a year removed from the unprecedented legislative chicanery and backroom dealing that characterized the bill's passage, we know much more about the bill than we did then.

A few of the revelations:

» Obamacare, according to Medicare's actuary, will increase, not lower, costs. The same is likely to happen for privately funded health care.

» Obamacare covers elective abortions, contrary to Obama's promise that it wouldn't. This means your tax dollars will be used to pay for abortions.

» Obamacare won't allow employees or most small businesses to keep the coverage they have and like. By Obama's estimates, as many as 69 percent of employees, 80 percent of small businesses, and 64 percent of large businesses will be forced to change coverage, probably to more expensive plans.

» Obamacare will increase insurance premiums -- in some places, it already has. Insurers, suddenly forced to cover clients' children until age 26, have little choice but to raise premiums.

» Obamacare will force seasonal employers -- especially the ski and amusement park industries -- to pay huge fines, cut hours, or lay off employees.

» Obamacare forces states to guarantee not only payment but also treatment for indigent Medicaid patients. With many doctors now refusing to take Medicaid (because they lose money doing so), cash-strapped states could be sued and ordered to increase reimbursement rates beyond their means.

» Obamacare imposes a huge nonmedical tax compliance burden on small business. It will require them to mail IRS 1099 tax forms to every vendor from whom they make purchases of more than $600 in a year, with duplicate forms going to the Internal Revenue Service.

» Obamacare allows the IRS to confiscate part or all of your tax refund if you do not purchase a qualified insurance plan. The bill funds 16,000 new IRS agents to make sure Americans stay in line.

If you wonder why so many American voters are angry, and no longer give Obama the benefit of the doubt on a variety of issues, you need look no further than Obamacare, whose birthday gift to America might just be a GOP congressional majority.

Need a reason to make sure your family, friends and neighbors vote Republican this election? This should be enough for you to convince them that their vote matters.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


This past Friday, Senator Lisa Murkowski announced plans seek re-election as a write-in candidate in Alaska.

This past weekend, Lisa Murkowski attacked Sen. Jim DeMint for working against her, stating "I don't think that's it's particularly helpful to undercut fellow Republicans." This might be a fair criticism if she weren't the one running a write-in campaign against Republican nominee in her state.

The moderates and RINO liberals love to lecture conservatives about how we need to support liberal candidates to "expand the tent" and win seats for Republicans. But when these Republican-in-name-only ("RINO") lose their primaries, many leave the party and join the opposition. Lisa Murkowski is the latest by following in the footsteps of Arlen Specter and Charlie Crist.

Murkowski's betrayal provides more proof that big-tent hypocrites don't really care about winning a majority for Republicans. Conservative candidates are in it for their country while too many RINO's seek office for personal status and power.

Murkowski supported a massive cap-and-trade energy tax that would permanently destroy millions of jobs in this country. Murkowski has waffled on whether she would support repeal of Obama's health care take over. Murkowski is one of the worst abusers of the pay-to-play earmarks system. And Murkowski doesn't support the sanctity of human life.

With positions like these that are in direct conflict with the Republican Party Platform, it's no surprise Murkowski and other liberal RINO's are leaving the party. We are glad that they are leaving and only wish that they would take the other RINO's with them.

As long as we have Republican elected officials advocating higher taxes, bigger and more intrusive government, and other issues in direct conflict with our Constitution, the collateral damage to our stature with the population at large will serve to damage our ability to return America to the Founding Principles.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Party of KNOW

The Democrats have been accusing the Republican Party as being the Party of No. Well, we have recently discovered that the Democrat Party Progressives are homophonically challenged in addition to their other serious deficiencies.

The Republican Party and its Platform as constructed by Ronald Reagan is the Party of KNOW!

Republicans KNOW that raising taxes in a recession is bad policy.

Republicans KNOW that failing to secure one's property, whether personal, corporately or nationally, invites criminals and terrorists to destroy what one has earned through hard work.

Republicans KNOW that licentious immoral behavior degrades the values of the community.

Republicans KNOW that a government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you treasure.

Republicans KNOW that a government socialist "health" system will end up bankrupting the treasury AND killing people.

Republicans KNOW that facism is harmful and that companies of all sizes can and should be allowed to fail if they are unable to compete in a free marketplace.

Republicans KNOW that elected officials are supposed to be the employees of the electorate, not the other way around.

Republicans KNOW that the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, is the bedrock of this nation, and that we need to rein in the black robed activists who are acting unconstitutionally.

We are PROUD to be members of the Party of KNOW.

PS: It is also a mark of integrity to be a member of the Party that says NO to the pro-death, pro-big government, pro-gun confiscation, pro-conservation, pro-socialized medicine, pro-communist manifesto left wing wackos.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tax Cuts vs Tax Increases

Lets stop debating issues using the rhetoric of the Democrat socialists. There is NO talk of tax cuts by anyone at this time. The real issue is whether the federal government will RAISE everyone's taxes beginning January 1, or whether the current tax rates will remain as they are.

Everyone who thinks that taxes should be raised in the deepest and longest recession since The Great Depression please raise their hands.

(Pause for the Jeopardy music to play while we wait.)

Yesses from Barack, Nancy and Harry.

( Bzzzz. )

Sorry, another wrong answer from those three (anyone surprisd?)!

Cut the spending.

No more double talk.

Cut the Spending.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Did You Know -- Part 2

Did you know, The PAChyderm Coalition is the ONLY membership organization that evaluates hundreds of bills forwarded in our state legislature every session for social, fiscal and constitutional value.

Did you know, The PAChyderm Coalition bill ratings are established prior to being voted on so legislators are not blindsided after the fact.

Did you know, legislators are evaluated for sponsorship AND voting record on the bills before them from committee to final votes.

Did you know, the scores the legislators earn by their voting record are compiled and released weekly throughout the legislative session.

Did you know, the criteria used to weight bills:
1) Supports US Constitution 2) Supports Republican Party Platform 3) Supports individual / private sector empowerment over government empowerment 4) Supports national security (including illegal alien issues) 5) Reduces government spending 6) Reduces tax rates in general

We warmly welcome Constitutional Conservative people to join us in our direct commitment to reach a veto-proof 20/40 legislature.
We appreciate the passion and energy being provided by those who are newly active in the political arena.
The PAChyderm Coalition is uniquely structured to provide the mechanism to influence elected officials in the restoration of the values enscribed in our Constitution.

Check out our website for upcoming meeting dates: PachydermCoalition.com .

For membership information, contact us directly at: Pachy@q.com.
The Time is NOW

Early ballots will be in the mail in 25 days. It is important to keep in mind that most of the ballots cast in our elections are early ballots. Races will, for all intents and purposes, be won or lost weeks before Election Day.

The PAChyderm Coalition IEPAC Committee will decide the pecking order for Independent Expenditure assistance this week. Your contributions will enable us to widen the field of targeted races.

This year we have many more opportunities to make a difference since there are no matching funds given to our opponents funded by Clean Elections. With redistricting, budget, and education issues on the front burner, this election could be the most important election of our lifetime.

If you are a procrastinator, you have now arrived at the last minute. Don't delay.

P.S.: Our membership meeting is this Wednesday, the 15th at Marie Callenders 50th Avenue and Bell Road. The Dinner Meeting begins at 6:15 PM. Guaranteed exciting news awaits. You won't want to miss this meeting.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Did You Know?

At the risk of being assailed for being self-serving, we forward the following:

Did you know, The PAChyderm Coalition is the ONLY 100% Conservative Republican Independent Expenditure Political Action Committee in Arizona?

Did you know, The PAChyderm Coalition has made millions of auto dial calls in the support of Reagan Republican candidates for state and local offices in this state this decade - with special focus on the primary elections.

Did you know, The PAChyderm Coalition members are also active in their legislative/county party leadership

Did you know, The PAChyderm Coalition members provide leadership in many other conservative political organizations?

Did you know, The PAChyderm Coalition, with your help, has added new chapters across the state over the last couple of years and continues to expand?

We warmly welcome Constitutional Conservatives to join us as we strive for a veto-proof 20/40 legislature.

We appreciate the passion and energy being provided by those who are newly active in the political arena.

The PAChyderm Coalition is uniquely structured to provide the mechanism to influence elected officials in the restoration of the values enscribed in our Constitution.

Check out our website: PachydermCoalition.com for upcoming meeting dates and other important updates.

For membership information, contact us directly at: Pachy@q.com.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Words are not enough , yet words are too much

Never forget

Friday, September 10, 2010

What happened to the Budget Deficit Solution??

Just five months ago voters were told of the need to impose a one-cent sale tax increase for the next three years to balance the budget.


Arizona faces a budget deficit of over a billion dollars this year IF the voters pass the propositions allowing the stripping of over a half billion from First Things First and Conservation Funds.

Think that is bad?? Well, the projected budget deficit is $1.5 billion in FY 2012- if their projections are correct (They never are correct, the reality is ALWAYS worse than the projection).

To make things worse, the budget deficit will continue to get worse in fiscal year 2013.


In 2014, the deficit will double with the expiration of the three year temporary sales tax.

Anyone shocked that, once again, the electorate has been snookered by those we have hired??

Early ballots are expected to be in your hands by October 8. The people we elect this year will have the responsibility to solve this problem. Make sure your candidate is committed to CUT THE SPENDING! Nothing else will work! CUT THE SPENDING!
The Unemployment Scam

Are you unemployed?

Not if you are on federal extended unemployment benefits - even if you were laid off from your job and have been unable to find work.

Not if you have run out of unemployment benefits - even if you were laid off from your job and have been able to find work.

Not if you have applied at every business who uses your skills and they are laying off and you do not have any chance to find employment in your skills.

Not if you have risked all your life savings in starting a business that failed due to the economic downturn.

Not if you were laid off in California or one of the other eight states that did not report data to the Department of Labor this week due to the Labor Day Holiday so the Obama crew was forced to "estimate" new claims.

That is the way the Obama Administration counts unemployment.

The Obama Administration that promised that unemployment would not exceed 8% if we passed the stimulus package, and has now led us through Recovery Summer tells us we are making progress.

In spite of a myriad of accounting gimmicks, they are now reporting 9.6% unemployment. The facts are that the number of people looking for work that cannot find such work is over 20%. The highest since the Great Depression and the Obama Administration is using the FDR method that increases the chance we will be in this mess for a decade.

We have the opportunity to make sure that dire situation is corrected beginning four weeks from now as we cast our early ballots. It is time to bring the hopey-changey thing to a screeching halt. Take the Richard Daley course and vote early and vote often.