Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Required Reading for AZ Legislators today runs a story ( ) that should be required reading for all of our Arizona Legislators.  The story is focused on the unexpected growth in Texas Budget revenues and the underlying reason for that growth. 

In 2011, Texas was facing a $21 BILLION shortfall in its general fund.  To address the issue, Texas took a different course than Arizona.  The Legislature and Governor passed a "cut-to-the-bone" budget.  No mortgaging state owned buildings in order to keep the public employee union leaders happy.  No fancy financial fudging using 'baseline'  instead of 'zero' budget procedures.  No business as usual.

And the result?  Texas not only eliminated the shortfall, revenues increased by $8.8 BILLION more than projected one year later.  AP now reports  “unemployment now is at a four-year low of 6.2 percent, sales tax receipts are skyrocketing and money is pouring into state coffers behind a new energy boom.”

If Arizona wants to become more than a fly-over state for businesses fleeing California and their fruit cake Legislature and Governor, it must reduce the tax burden on businesses.  The governor and many legislators are already talking about increased state government spending this year. 

The Legislature begins its work next Monday, the 14th and the appointment calendar of every legislator is already clogged with meetings with taxpayer-paid lobbyists for the education industry, the taxpayer-paid lobbyists for the cities and towns, the taxpayer-paid lobbyists for the counties, and the taxpayer-paid lobbyists for the state agencies. 

If the taxpayers of Arizona want a booming economy, lower unemployment rates and lower taxes across the board, it is time for them to personally contact their elected officials and demand a cessation in the status quo. 

Ronald Reagan said it best.  Pay special attention to the last sentence of this great speech.

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