Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Maricopa County cast the second most number of votes for Romney (749,885 with only 602,288 for Obama) of any county in America. Only Los Angeles County cast more votes for Romney (885 thousand but cast 2.2 million for Obama).
Harris County (Houston suburbs) was third at a mere 586,073 thousand for Romney (587,044 for Obama), Orange County fourth at 582,332 (512,440 for Obama) and San Diego County fifth at 532 thousand (652 thousand for Obama). Los Angeles, Harris and San Diego Counties all cast more votes for Obama than for Romney.
So Maricopa County is the largest Republican majority county in America with the largest numerical edge for Romney (147,597) - more than twice the numerical advantage of Orange county - and is second to only Los Angeles in total number of Republican votes.
Maricopa County also fully or partially represents an overwhelming majority of the Republican Caucus at the Legislature (13 Senators and 25 Representatives). 
So Team LaFaro leads the country's largest Republican county and has the opportunity to meet their objective - keeping the county Dark Red.  It is up to the rest of us to provide the resources necessary to reaching that lofty goal.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


In a clean sweep for grass roots conservatives, the Maricopa County Precinct Committeemen repudiated the Tobin/Gray public employee union slate at the Statutory Meeting this morning.  Lisa Gray and her team spent the most money ever in a county leadership election to no avail. 

Slick mailers, robo calls, arm twisting from the second floor at the House of Representatives were not enough to make winners of the integrity challenged slate bought and paid for by union and liberal monied interests. 

The outcome of this election will have a huge impact on the 2014 Election Cycle, especially the elections for legislative and statewide officials.  If elected, Gray and cronies would have worked in league with the establishment power brokers against conservative candidates across the board. 

Now that this election is history, it is time for conservatives to use their offices to advance the Party Platform principles in every way possible.  To not use the authority granted by the electors is the same as losing the election. 

Conservatives have followed that script that guarantees ultimate failure too many times in the past and the American public has been the victim.  Now that the campaign is over, it is now time for governing with integrity, strength and principles. 

Congratulations to LaFaro, Riggins, Borrajero, White and Ludwig.  Enjoy this evening and the Lord's Day tomorrow.  Monday, the real work begins.

Friday, January 11, 2013



It is Black or White and Left or Right

Lisa and her cronies leave no gray area on their lack of conservative qualifications.  In addition to their own liberal/progressive/ purple/RINO public employee union/illegal immigration public record nearly all of their legislative endorsements are either exiles from the cellar mushrooms or Tobin sycophants we have grown to abhor.  By their fruits you shall know them.

Gray and gang are so devoid of Constitutional Party Platform principles that they are demonstrating their lack of character integrity and gray matter by taking the only avenue left - misrepresent the solid grass roots conservative values. 

Make the RIGHT choice - VOTE Team LaFaro

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Just when I thought it was safe

to go to a District 23 meeting.

The Mustang Library lived up to its name!

Wild Horses - cattle thieves - they're nothing!

How about the Gunfight at the OK Corral.

Doug Little and Team LaFaro played the roles of Doc Holliday and the Earp Brothers.

Lisa and Rick Gray played the McLaurys and Robert Graham came to the showdown in Act 3 playing Ike Clanton

It has been years since the refined folks of North Scottsdale heard terms like "s**-of-a-bi***" and "public union bi*** boy" in the same meeting.  In addition, Mr. Little charges that the Little family has been threatened, his business clients coerced and even the firm where Mrs. Little works had been a target for negative financial consequences if Doug Little did not drop out of the campaign. 

His response - "I will never give in to threats and intimidation." 


Look for more specifics in the coming days, but let it suffice to say that the calm campaign for party leaders has been forsaken for a more vigorous battle.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Arizona Party Builders? Which Party?

Excerpted from Armorandshield.blogspot.com

With the fiasco surrounding the Republican Victory Fund still fresh in our minds, we couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when we learned that two candidates on a slate running for the Maricopa County Republican Committee voted against a resolution to censure Senate President Steve Pierce, and House Speaker Andy Tobin for their involvement.

Why would Lisa Gray and Rene Lopez vote against the resolution? Were they not concerned about the underhanded actions taken by Pierce when he allowed Rich Crandall to benefit financially using the RVF money during a primary campaign? Did they not care that Tobin tabled union bills after receiving money from unions during his campaign? Or, just maybe it was because Tobin contributed a glowing endorsement for her husband, Rick Gray? Is there a potential conflict of interest if a County Chairman is married to a member of the legislature?

This made us begin to wonder if there were other irregularities about their vague campaign promises and shiny façade. Especially when we read that Lisa Gray has the support of "Kook" Queen Laurie Roberts. In fact, Roberts hopes that Lisa Gray wins the MCRC election.   

Read more at:

Adopt a Terrorist

National Defense Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa,ON Canada K1A 0K2

Dear Concerned Citizen,

Thank you for your recent letter expressing your profound concern of treatment of the Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists captured by Canadian Forces, subsequently transferred to the Afghani Government and currently being held by Afghan officials in Afghanistan National Correctional System facilities.

Our administration takes these matters seriously and your opinions were heard loud and clear here in Ottawa. You will be pleased to learn, thanks to the concerns of citizens like yourself, we are creating a new department here at the Department of National Defense, to be called ‘Libertarians Accept Responsibility for Killers' program, or L.A.R.K. for short.

As a pilot program, we will divert one terrorist and place him in your personal care. Your detainee  is scheduled for transportation under heavily armed guard to your residence in Toronto next Monday.

Ali Mohammed Ahmed bin Mahmud (you can just call him Ahmed) is to be cared for pursuant to the standards you personally demanded in your letter of complaint!  It will likely be necessary for you to hire some assistant caretakers. We will conduct weekly inspections to ensure that your standards of care for Ahmed are commensurate with those you so strongly recommended in your letter. Although Ahmed is a sociopath and extremely violent, we hope that your sensitivity to what you described as his ‘attitudinal problem’ will help him overcome these character flaws.

Perhaps you are correct in describing these problems as mere cultural differences. We understand that you plan to offer counseling and home schooling. Your adopted terrorist is extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat and can extinguish human life with such simple items as a pencil or nail clippers. We advise that you do not ask him to demonstrate these skills at your next yoga group. Please advise any Jewish friends, neighbors or relatives about your house guest, as he might get agitated or even violent, but we are sure you can reason with him. He is also expert at making a wide variety of explosive devices from common household products, so you may wish to keep those items locked up, unless (in your opinion) this might offend him.

Ahmed will not wish to interact with you or your daughters (except sexually) since he views females as a subhuman form of property thereby having no rights, including refusal of his sexual demands. This is a particularly sensitive subject for him and he has been known to show violent tendencies around women who fail to comply with the new dress code that he will "recommend" as more appropriate attire.  I'm sure you will come to enjoy the anonymity offered by the burka over time. Just remember that it is all part of 'respecting his culture and religious beliefs' as described in your letter.

Thanks again for your concern. We truly appreciate it when folks like you keep us informed of the proper way to do our job and care for our fellow man. You take good care of Ahmed and remember we'll be watching.  Good luck and God bless you,


Gordon O'Connor
Minister of National Defense

Perhaps Arizona could implement a similar program for those who justify and enable illegal aliens violating our sovereignty.

Required Reading for AZ Legislators

Breitbart.com today runs a story ( http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/01/08/Economy-Grows-Revenues-Increase-After-Texas-Slashes-Spending ) that should be required reading for all of our Arizona Legislators.  The story is focused on the unexpected growth in Texas Budget revenues and the underlying reason for that growth. 

In 2011, Texas was facing a $21 BILLION shortfall in its general fund.  To address the issue, Texas took a different course than Arizona.  The Legislature and Governor passed a "cut-to-the-bone" budget.  No mortgaging state owned buildings in order to keep the public employee union leaders happy.  No fancy financial fudging using 'baseline'  instead of 'zero' budget procedures.  No business as usual.

And the result?  Texas not only eliminated the shortfall, revenues increased by $8.8 BILLION more than projected one year later.  AP now reports  “unemployment now is at a four-year low of 6.2 percent, sales tax receipts are skyrocketing and money is pouring into state coffers behind a new energy boom.”

If Arizona wants to become more than a fly-over state for businesses fleeing California and their fruit cake Legislature and Governor, it must reduce the tax burden on businesses.  The governor and many legislators are already talking about increased state government spending this year. 

The Legislature begins its work next Monday, the 14th and the appointment calendar of every legislator is already clogged with meetings with taxpayer-paid lobbyists for the education industry, the taxpayer-paid lobbyists for the cities and towns, the taxpayer-paid lobbyists for the counties, and the taxpayer-paid lobbyists for the state agencies. 

If the taxpayers of Arizona want a booming economy, lower unemployment rates and lower taxes across the board, it is time for them to personally contact their elected officials and demand a cessation in the status quo. 

Ronald Reagan said it best.  Pay special attention to the last sentence of this great speech.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KXtspnYtLU&feature=related

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Huppenthal describes his A.S.S.

John Huppenthal, Arizona's Superintendent of Public Instruction, tonight introduced his plan to replace the AIMS test with his new Arizona State Standards (A.S.S. --  REALLY, that is what he has called his new brain dump).  Supposedly this will improve the level of student achievement in our state.

In what was a shocker to everyone in attendance at his community Q and A Forum at Grand Canyon University, Huppenthal showed his absolute dearth of knowledge on the main education threat facing our state and country - Agenda 21.  While many people may not have intimate knowledge of all the details that are incorporated in the UN and Obama Administration ideological hemorrhage, for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to not even know the term is especially quizzical.

Of further concern to those in attendance, Mr. Huppenthal stated that he fully embraces Common Core Standards - the same standards that have been embedded in places like Chicago, Washington, DC and other liberal bastions of socialism.  Huppenthal eventually let slip the reason he ran for the office - the retirement benefits seemed to top the list.

His positions are an embarassment to the Republican Party and could do for our state k-12 system what Barack's policies have brought to the federal budget  -  bankrupt ideas instead of monetary bankruptcy. 

It is time to find a qualified person to run against and defeat Mr. Huppenthal in the August 2014 Primary Election.  This office in the wrong hands will do more damage to future generations of Arizonans than any other statewide office - including the Governor's office.

Please flush your A.S.S. down the John, Mr. Superintendent and implement real education reforms like total parental choice in schools for our students.

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Fifty First Arizona Legislature


A red state where every statewide office is held by a Republican for the first time in the history of the state;

A red state where Republicans now hold every county wide office in Maricopa, Mohave, Pinal and Yavapai Counties for the first time in history;

A red state where Republicans hold every county wide office with the following exceptions in Cochise (1), Gila (1)and Graham (2) Counties;

A red state where Republicans hold more municipal offices than ever before in history;

has now returned to a purple legislature due to leadership that placed personal power and future office aspirations above Republican Party principles and the people of this state.

Speaker Tobin hatched a plan in cooperation with President Pierce and establishment lobbyists and organizations that strangled the Arizona Republican Party by diverting funds to his own IE PAC.  When you follow the campaign finance reports, it is clear that, as a rule, GOP conservative candidates were viewed as pariahs not worthy of being financially supported by this Speaker and, therefore, well qualified conservative candidates lost to inferior Democrat candidates that were funded by Democrat legislative leaders. 

The $25,000 still in the House Victory Fund and the $38,000 still in the Senate Victory Fund as of this date (in addition to nearly a quarter million dollars wasted in consulting fees PLUS doubled mailing fees), could have ensured the victory of at least two more Republican Senators and three more Republican Representatives. 

The Fifty-First Legislature will officially take office next Monday.  As we go through the next four months, we must ever be mindful of the process and hold accountable those who have diminished the ability to pass strong conservative legislation.  When those times occur - and they will occur - remember the improper self-serving actions of the Yavapai Yahoos in 2012.

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Fifty-First Arizona Legislature

Why the reduced GOP Senate majority?

While Republicans still muster a majority in both houses of the legislature, the veto-proof majority is a thing of the past.  In spite of the incessant excuses injected into the mainstream media by their communications wonks, the main reason for this reduction lies at the feet of Speaker Tobin and former Senate President Pierce.  Former Senate President Pierce must take the primary responsibility for our fragile majority in the Senate.  He grabbed most of the headlines due to his outlandish actions that led to a huge amount of Republican Victory Committee funds being inappropriately spent in a primary election.  That was compounded by his failure to adequately fund races in competitive districts during the General Election.

Point one was the spending of about $100,000.00 of those funds denigrating Rep. John Fillmore and misleading voters about the "conservative" credentials of Sen. Rich Crandall (Crandall was the lowest rated Republican in either house of the legislature for the Goldwater Scorecard and fell below Democrats in the PAChyderm Coalition Rankings).   The fact that Crandall was committed to voting for Pierce for President and that Fillmore was committed to voting for newly elected Andy Biggs for President was well known at the Capital and was recognized by all the political rail birds across the state as the reason this money was being wasted in a “safe” Republican Primary.

Point two was the refusal of the Pierce Senate Republican Victory Fund to allocate any resources in Legislative Districts eight, nine and ten, all listed as “Competitive”.    Again, the core reason for the refusal to help Antenori, Mott and Ortiz was well known.  They were all committed to voting for Senator Biggs for President and Pierce was willing to jettison them and their conservative Party Platform values in favor of socialist democrats in order to enhance his re-election as Senate President.  Now the citizens of Arizona will have to endure the power of senators like Crandall, Driggs and McComish who are able to prevent passage of conservative Republican legislation.

Last, the evil scheme designed and carried out by Senator Pierce, Speaker Tobin, National Committeeman Bruce Ash, Super Lobbyist Kevin DeMenna, numerous other lobbyists and a long list of nefarious underlings reduced the ability of the Arizona Republican Party to have the resources to independently assist conservative candidates in the General Election.  Numerous sources have documented written correspondence and first party conversations about the system where possible donors were specifically directed to not contribute any money to the party, but to contribute to the Republican Victory Fund and the House Republican Victory Fund.  The irony of this particular action is that the very people who pressured donors to not contribute to the Party are the very same people who then criticized the Party for not having raised enough money to make more of an impact in the General Election.  Worse than hypocritical, this is Chicago gutter politics treachery.

Ridiculous protestations by Sen. Pierce that he had no control where the money was being allocated fit the “fell and broke my *** laughing” category.  Pierce takes credit for raising the money, selected the Chairman and Treasurer of the “Committee” and was the only obvious beneficiary of expenditures made during the Primary and General Elections. 

Every bill that is in conformance with our Republican principles that fails to get the necessary 16 votes in the Senate should be laid directly at the feet of Senator Pierce.  Arizona deserves better, Constitutional conservative legislators deserve better, the Party deserves better, and the hard working Precinct Committeemen and other volunteers deserve better.