Sunday, May 2, 2010

Proposition 100 - -
The Saul Alinsky Connection

For those who are not aware, Saul ALinsky was a card carrying member of the Communist Party of the USA made in the mold of Karl Marx. Alinsky wrote many books on how to destroy the American system of free enterprise, capitalism and democracy including Rules for Radicals.

In fact, his goal was to foment enough public discontent, moral confusion, and outright chaos to spark the social upheaval that Marx, Engels, and Lenin predicted -- a revolution whose foot soldiers view the status quo as fatally flawed and wholly unworthy of salvation.

He advised organizers and their disciples to quietly, subtly gain influence within the decision-making ranks of the media, publicschools, unions, churches and political parties. This background on Saul Alinsky is important to every parent, taxpayer and resident of Arizona for one reason.

Why are we talking about Saul Alinsky when talking Prop 100? It is fairly simple, Prop 100 is primarily being pushed by the Arizona Education Association, an arm of the National Education Association. The National Education Association, on its website, encourages its members to buy, read, and implement the philosophy of Saul Alinsky. Click
HERE to see their website strongly recommending reading the communist rants of Alinsky.

As a footnote to this article, but, in the total picture, the agenda of the Obama socialists is clearly documented by Saul Alinsky's son, L. David Alinsky, who praises Obama for “learning his lesson well” from the Communist guru. As long as the AEA and its parent organization is supporting the communist manifesto through such works, NO more dollars should be given to the districts who operate under their leadership.

This is enough reason for any American who espouses the principals on which this country was founded to support vouchers, charters, private, long distance and home educational options - any and every avenue to protect our children from the indoctrination of these zealots.

Vote NO on Prop 100. It will be wasted by the bureaucracy, and will be diverted to expanding the socialist agenda.

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