Thursday, April 1, 2010

JD wins 1st Qtr. $$$ Race

This is hard for many people to believe - especially the McCainiacs and AZ Republic writers (oops, they're the same group) - but JD is beating John McCain in fundraising. McCain raised 2.2 million in three months while JD raised more than 1 million in about five weeks.

The surprising bottom line? Arizona individuals and other concerned American conservatives are contributing 50% more money on a daily basis to JD than all of the contributors to McCain - even when you count the banks, brokerage houses and insurance companies that benefitted from the TARP money supported by McCain.

In fact, most of McCain's money has come from fat cat executives in national corporations that are on the government dole who overwhelmingly support big government, open borders and amnesty.

If you haven't contributed to JD yet because you did not know if he was going to be viable, this should eliminate your concerns. Go to to improve the quality of our representation in the Senate.

PS: If current trends continue, JD's vote in the Senate will be the swing vote that will determine whether policy decisions will be liberal or conservative.

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