Wednesday, April 28, 2010





Any educational funds from this tax will go to districts ONLY.

The brochure we received from the YES people states there are 140,000 more enrolled than in 2004. THAT IS A BLATANT LIE.

The fact is that in the district system there were 887,489 TOTAL ADMs in 2004 and the current district TOTAL ADMs are 931,844. These numbers are straight from the Superintendents AnnualFinancial Report, prepared and submitted by the district business offices to Department of Ed. That is an INCREASE of only 44,345 more children, NOT 140,000 during the years the YES people chose, and that is only a 4.9% increase.

Now to look at tax load: According to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee report on Expenditures to the Districts Maintenance and Operations Budgets, in FY2004 the state General Fund appropriated $3,349,554,200 to the districts while in FY2009, the state General Fund appropriated $5,079,427,900 to the districts. That is a 51.64% increase.

Let me repeat that, because it is a startling set of figures - - the average daily membership increased by a mere 4.9% since 2004 - the time span they chose - while appropriations increased by a whopping 51.64%.

Teachers say that they have not had pay increases for seven years, or they have had pay cuts the last three years. If that is true, they need to be asking their administration where the dollars went. The funds were appropriated from the state General Fund and if they did not receive those funds there is only one stop from the legislature to them - the district offices.

There are also comments about how many teachers have lost their position. Some teachers have been let go, but lets look at why that is happening.

In 2008, the number of district pupils was 950,815, however, as stated above, the current number has decreased to 931,844 - a loss of 18,971. If you figure the average class size is 30, that is a loss of 632 classrooms and subsequently a lack of need for 632 teachers. Teacher reductions are NOT because of low appropriations, but a lack of pupils. That pupil count, by the way, is continuing to decline every month and will for the foreseeable future.

Any government agency that has a 4.9% growth in caseload and has received a 51.64% increase in funding has too much taxpayer money, not too little. These figures are readily available and published on the JLBC and ADE websites, so you can use them with comfort to inform your friends and neighbors about the real education story.

Vote NO on Prop 100!!

It is a scam, it is unnecessary, it will harm seniors on fixed incomes and it will further damage our economy by costing the Arizona job market 24,000 to 40,000 jobs.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

National Guard 4 Crime Suppression
Good for Chicago - Bad for Arizona

Talk about a double standard.

Go to this revealing story and learn how it is viewed in Obamaland.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The new face of Educators

We have a crisis around the world that has caused the deepest downturn since the 1930's. Arizona Tax receipts are DOWN more than 40%. The k-12 piece of the state tax revenue pie has grown from 43% to nearly 90% in the last decade - - - AND THEY WANT MORE.

Student SAT scores are DOWN, teacher pay UP, % of revenues to the classroom is DOWN, the number of Administrators is UP.

WHY ARE WE IN THIS SPOT? GREED, plain and simple.

Watch the video from the teachers in Chicago. At least they have honesty on their side as opposed to the junk being sold here.

Friday, April 16, 2010

We have found the enemy

and it's Barry Hess and the Hessians

We went to a Tea Party last night and were energized once again by the patriotic fervor of ten thousand patriots that was facilitated by Tom Jenney and AFP, Thayer Verschoor and Ax-the-Tax, and NO on 100. It was so hot and yet so cool to see new passionate activists that have decided to join the fight against a socialist takeover of our country and state.

It was all wonderful, that is, until we ventured into the nether world created by Barry and the Bumpkins. Never forget, this is the self-centered hippopotamus that gave us Janet Napolitano. Now this narcissistic waster of good oxygen wants to take the opportunity to give us Terry Goddard. If he truly cared about Arizona and the return to a Constitutional government, he would take a lesson from history but the only way he can get any visibility is to serve his Kool-Aid to the uninformed.

That is bad enough, but this crazy, psycho-babble spouting, cracked head has decided that the one person to be singled out for attack by his rabid band of wolves should be Russell Pearce. That's right Russell Pearce. Not Kyrsten Sinema, Not Daniel Patterson, Not Paula Aboud or even Not Rich Crandall, Russ Jones or Bill Konopnicki - but Russell Pearce. Last week, he even went out and recruited a Hessian lackey to run against Russell Pearce.

We couldn't even leave the event without enduring a loud-mouth confrontational Hessian attacking Sen. Pearce. Russell Pearce has faults like everyone else, but the objects of such personal attacks should be those who are working every day to kill our system of government. We firmly believe that Hess would have found fault with George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and he would have led a motor-mouthed attack on their lack of purity according to the Book of Barry.

Go away, Barry, and take the toadies who cannot recognize who is on our side and who is destroying America and Arizona with you. Whatever service you might have been able to provide is lost in your egomanic duplicity. Serve your Kool-Aid at Progressive, Democrat functions. If you are going to kill people, let it be the enemy.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We can only say WOW!

Governor Jan Brewer names CEO of a failed bank as the next AZ financial institutions chief

Gov. Jan Brewer yesterday named former Valley Capital Bank CEO Lauren Kingry as the next Superintendent of the Arizona Department of Financial Institutions.

Mr. Kingry was the CEO of the failed bank that went into receivership with federal officials in December. Now, he will be Arizona's next top banking regulator. How does making decisions that led to a bank failure qualify a person to be the top banking regulator?

Just a thought, wouldn't it be better to have someone with a successful track record to represent the state during these perilous times?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

More Senate Shenanigans

Under the "leadership" of Bobby Burns, the House passed 'Jobs Bill' is being emasculated in the Senate.

Using static finance projections as a cover, the 'Jobs Bill' will produce no new jobs at a time when the Arizona economy desperately needs it.

The strike-everything amendment would remove a 5 percent individual income tax cut in H2250 as passed by the House.

The state equalization tax that was to be eliminated last year in the budget package that two conservative legislators sunk, will now BEGIN going away in 2014 - maybe.

A two-percentage-point cut to corporate income tax rates beginning in 2011, lowering the corporate income tax rate to 5 percent from about 7 percent by 2014. is now stretched to five years, with smaller reductions during the first two years than during the final three.

Adams needs to oppose this farce. The House actually passed a Jobs Bill, but the only thing remotely resembling a Jobs Bill in this senate mutation will be the name.

We refer you back to an excellent article in the WSJ that should be the blueprint for state lawmakers. "We almost made it that time" will be the mournful song of Arizona taxpayers for decades to come.
The Socialist Media gets the news

CBS News released polling about the health care law.

It found that 32% were for it, while 53% opposed it.

Only 27% of Independents approve of the bill;

Only 17% of Americans believe the bill will help them personally.

Majorities of Americans believe that the law will increase their premiums;

3/4 believe their health care quality will get worse or stay the same;

2/3 believe the bill will increase the budget deficit.

Gibbs can't say this a right wing conspiracy, Mr. President!

If your friends say this, you are left with no one else to blame

Monday, April 5, 2010


Rasmussen's “which party do you trust” polling shows pretty consistent movement toward the GOP, with the GOP opening up large leads on just about every issue. The biggest net shifts of 13% and 11% came on health care and abortion, respectively. The results from the Rasmussen poll:

Economy: 37% Dem, 49% GOP

National Security: 36% Dem, 51% GOP

Iraq: 39% Dem, 47% GOP

Health Care: 37% Dem, 53% GOP

Education: 40% Dem, 43% GOP

Immigration: 34% Dem, 47% GOP

Social Security: 36% Dem, 48% GOP

Taxes: 34% Dem, 52% GOP

Abortion: 32% Dem, 47% GOP

Rasmussen also finds that 54% of the public still favors the repeal of the health care law, while 42% oppose repeal.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The AEA does it again!

The Arizona Education Association fought against the Arizona application to the federal government for a special grant from the "Race to the Top" program. In fact, the AEA refused to sign on in support of the plan. That is not necessarily surprising, considering the continual self-centered greedy AEA position is "We know everything and everyone else is stupid."

Well, an important point is that the support of the teachers union is one of the high point-value areas in the application. So the AEA refused to participate in the application, refused to sign off on the particulars of the application, and is now making hysterical press releases about the fact that Arizona did not win a grant. They go on to blame Republicans for the fact that we did not get a grant. SOP!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Toward the end of a question-and-answer session with workers at an advanced battery technology manufacturer, a woman named Doris stood to ask the president whether it was a "wise decision to add more taxes to us with the health care" package.

"We are over-taxed as it is," Doris said bluntly.

Obama started out feisty. "Well, let's talk about that, because this is an area where there's been just a whole lot of misinformation, and I'm going to have to work hard over the next several months to clean up a lot of the misapprehensions that people have," the president said.

He then spent the next 17 minutes and 12 seconds lulling the crowd into a daze. His discursive answer - more than 2,500 words long -- wandered from topic to topic.

We'll bet Doris has been beaten about the head and shoulders by her co-workers and will never ask a question again.
Obama breaks the mold again!

Hard as it may seem to believe, Obama and his policies have once again defied established truths. In this month's employment picture update, the Department of Labor has a little gem underscoring his prescience.

The demographic group consisting of high school dropouts had the best job growth in America. College graduates, on the other hand, had the worst job growth in America. In fact, the high school dropouts rate of job growth was thirty-five times higher than that for college graduates.

I guess that the uneducated, ill-informed Obama voters are being rewarded for their blind (and dumb) support that carried him to the Presidency. BHO's recognition of stupidity is a first.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

JD wins 1st Qtr. $$$ Race

This is hard for many people to believe - especially the McCainiacs and AZ Republic writers (oops, they're the same group) - but JD is beating John McCain in fundraising. McCain raised 2.2 million in three months while JD raised more than 1 million in about five weeks.

The surprising bottom line? Arizona individuals and other concerned American conservatives are contributing 50% more money on a daily basis to JD than all of the contributors to McCain - even when you count the banks, brokerage houses and insurance companies that benefitted from the TARP money supported by McCain.

In fact, most of McCain's money has come from fat cat executives in national corporations that are on the government dole who overwhelmingly support big government, open borders and amnesty.

If you haven't contributed to JD yet because you did not know if he was going to be viable, this should eliminate your concerns. Go to to improve the quality of our representation in the Senate.

PS: If current trends continue, JD's vote in the Senate will be the swing vote that will determine whether policy decisions will be liberal or conservative.
Newspeak continues

The headline reads,

"New Jobless Claims Fall"

The Obama 'Good News' continues for 11 paragraphs.

"Initial claims fell slightly",

"The four-week average fell",

"The economy created the most new jobs in three years",

"People claiming UI benefits dropped 4.66 million last week."

The real facts are in paragraphs 12 - 14.

Most of the jobs 'created by the economy' are federal government workers, especially temporary Census workers.

Private employers cut 23,000 jobs in March, well below forecasts of a 40,000 gain.

Millions of people are receiving extended benefits for up to 73 extra weeks, paid for by the federal government [THE TAXPAYERS], on top of the 26 customarily provided by the states.

More than 6 million people are on the extended benefit rolls.

That is about 270,000 higher than the previous week. All told, 11.4 million people are claiming unemployment benefits, the department said.

A robust economic recovery - NOT!