Humans successfully reverse the Theory of Evolution
That is a fact according to Margaret Dugan, as stated in the debate on KAET last night. Here is her quote: " Every animal on the face of the earth can successfully teach their young what they want them to learn. The only animal that cannot do that is the human animal."
I guess that means that we have devolved back past the monkeys to . . . - What? Even the host, Ted Simons was struck dumb as the camera panned to him immediately after this remarkable statement
Is that her way of saying that we cannot do without the Dept. of Ed. bureaucracy?
Is she a closet AEA supporter?
Maybe, since she is also the only Repubican candidate to take the AEA position that we must have taxpayer supported all-day Kindergarten.
And so many thought Margaret was the supreme conservative - with NO track record to substantiate that belief.
Once again, we must be careful about supporting those who say they believe in conservative values, but have never had to back up their purported position with a track record.